Fine & Performing Arts Parent Association
FAPA is the Fine & Performing Arts Parent Association. We are the largest supporter of the arts at Mepham High School. FAPA members are the boosters to the arts.
FAPA encompasses:
- ART – drawing, painting, sculpting, digital graphics, photography
- THEATER – acting, voice, sound, lighting, tech
- MUSIC – orchestra, band, chorus, chamber, jazz
- FAPA engages students participating in the arts
- FAPA supports programs of the arts
- FAPA funds scholarships for students of the arts
- Provide scholarships to graduating seniors contingent upon four (4) years of membership, participation in one of the art programs, and the volunteer requirements.
What we do:
- Memberships
- Fundraising at local businesses
- Concession sales – provided at all theater, concert and art events
- Spirit Wear
- Raffles
- Clothing Drive
Contribution Activities:
- Drama show – lunch for all day rehearsal
- Musical – lunch for all day rehearsal
- Band – financial donation planned
- Art Club – financial donation planned
- Orchestra – financial donation planned