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Virtual Enterprise
Virtual Enterprise is a course that allows students to experience in a simulated business environment, every aspect of a business, including human resources, accounting, production, distribution, marketing and sales. This workplace simulation enables students to understand how employees, workgroup teams, and departments interact with each other and work together for the success of the company.
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First AidThe school nurse will administer first aid to a student in case of an accident. If further treatment is necessary, the parent will be notified immediately.
Emergency Contacts
Emergency contacts must be on record with the school in the event a parent cannot be reached. A card bearing the name of the emergency contact person should be on file in the Nurse's Office.
Leaving School When Ill
Students who become ill while in school are to report to the Nurse's Office.
Elevator Service
Elevator service is available to thsoe students who cannot use the stairs because of a physical disability. Temporary passes are to be obtained from the nurse upon presentation of a doctor's note.
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Physical Education
Physical Education Make-ups
All physical education make-ups take place in the south gym at 6:40 a.m. sharp.
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Senior Experience
About Senior Experience
How would you like a break from the traditional routine of the high school classroom? You have been in classes for the last twelve years of your life for 7-8 hours a day. How would you like the real world to be your classroom?
We’d like to introduce you to Senior Experience.
1. What is Senior Experience?
Your future senior has decided to be a part of the Senior Experience next year. This course combines English 4 and Participation in Government/Economics into a Humanities-based curriculum. Students meet for class 3 days a week. On the other two days (or the equivalent of that time at some other point in the week,) students will go to an out-of-school internship or work with a mentor on a creative project.
2. Internship vs. Creative Project
Internships tend to be placements with a mentor in a professional setting. Past examples have included placements in the education, law, accounting, counseling, and medical fields.
Creative projects are student-driven, original works that are then donated to the school community. Students must still work with a mentor in the creation of the final project. Past examples have included the creation of a fully illustrated science fiction book, a graphic memoir, a surfboard, a functioning website for Senior Experience and fully edited viral videos.
3. What about transportation?
In order for the program to work, students must have a mode of transportation to and from their internship. Please keep this in mind as students search for internships. If a car is not available, the internship should be within walking distance (regardless of weather) to either home or school or should be accessible by public transportation.
4. How do students get internships?
There are many ways this is accomplished.
1. Students know someone in the business or field that they want to pursue and arrange their own internships with approval from the internship coordinator.
2. Students who want to pursue elementary education are placed in the North Bellmore Elementary Schools through a partnership established when the program began. If your child is interested in an elementary school placement s/he MUST NOT contact the school directly. These placements are arranged between the districts at the start of the year.
3. Students, along with the internship coordinator, make many phone calls to numerous businesses until a placement is made. This can be a frustrating process but rewarding when a placement is finally made.
5. Are there problems with finding mentors?
Sometimes students choose a field of interest that typically does not allow students of high school age to be placed in an internship. For example, students who want to be placed in the fields of forensics, psychology, or medicine are usually turned down for placements unless they/you personally know someone in the business already. College interns are generally favored over high school interns because college age students can devote more of their time. It is always a possibility that students will not get placed in their first choice and so other options should always be a part of the mentorship search.
6. What if my child is unhappy at his/her internship?
The vast majority of students have had great experiences and it should be noted that the students who get the most from this program are those who choose to put the most into it. We do of course, want students to have successful real-life experiences so we allow them to switch their internship after they have followed the following four steps:
1. Try to change the situation by speaking with their mentor about the experience and expressing their ultimate (reasonable) goals for the experience.
2. Allow time (at least two weeks) for the change to take effect.
3. Give two week notice, as would be expected with any job.
4. Attend 9th period three days a week until a new internship is acquired.
Senior Experience is a program that requires students to be mature, responsible, self-disciplined, and focused. There is a lot of freedom and there is an expectation that students will use that flexibility to gain as much insight and experience into the real world as possible.
Still have unanswered questions?
Contact me, Allyson Alciviades:
Senior Experience Phone: (516) 992-1544 September-June
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Social Studies
Supplementary Media
An Hour Before Daylight
Jimmy Carter
Global I
Don't Know Much About History
Kenneth C. Davis
Global II/US
James Bradley
Global II/US
Galileo's Daughter
Dava Sobel
Global I
Ghost Soldiers
Hampton Sides
Global II/US
Guns, Germs and Steel
Jared Diamond
King Leopold's Ghost
Andam Hochshild
Lies My Teacher Told Me
James Lowen
Global I
Nectar in a Sieve
Kamala Markandaya
Global I
Elie Wiesel
Global II
Herman Hesse
Global I
The Walking Drum
Louis D'Amour
Global I
Wings of Morning
Thomas Childers
Zlata's Diary
Zlata Filipovic
Global II
All Quiet on the Western Front*
Global II
Killing Fields*
Global II
Hotel Rwanda
Global II
Schindler's List
Global II
*These films contain subject matter and language that
may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.
Tips for Success
- Review class notes daily.
- Go over previous Regents and/or AP questions at online sites.
- Go to extra help.
- Buy a Regents review book. Follow along in the book as the year progresses.
- Practice your skills at Regents Exam Prep Center.
- Keep your notebook or binder well organized.
- Think of possible essay questions to be asked by your teacher for a unit test.
- Don't just use the review sheet to study; look over your notes and homework too.
- Quiz yourself using terms and concepts from the unit.
- Form study groups and set up a study schedule.
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Speech/Language remediation is available to any student having a communication disorder that interferes with his performance in an academic setting. Once identified with a communication disorder by the speech teacher, remediation is scheduled whenever possible into a student's program of studies during the school day.
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