Parent Memberships
School Records
We now offer you access to your child's school records online. This tool is
available through our student management system, eSchooldata. It is called the
Parent Portal. The Parent Portal is completely secure and will only permit a
parent/guardian to view the records of their own child/children once they have
To register for the Parent Portal,
please click here.
Report Cards
Report cards are available for view online at the end of each marking period;
usually in mid November, early February, mid April and late June. Questions,
comments or concerns regarding grades should be discussed during an appointment
with the subject teacher or guidance counselor.
Honor Roll & Honor Societies
Honor Roll for each marking period is achieved by a student
earning at least an 85 overall average for the quarter, passing grades in all
subjects and an attitude grade of satisfactory or above in all areas. Students
who earn good grades and are involved in school activities may be eligible for
induction into our chapter of the National Honor Society and subject specific
honor societies.
For more information about Honor Societies, please click here.
Off Campus Policy
The district’s high school students are given the privilege to leave campus
during their lunch period starting in the 10th grade. Students must earn this
privilege by adhering to our Code of Conduct and by recognizing that they are
not permitted to leave school in their freshman year. Calhoun High School
offers a variety of healthy choices in our cafeteria and welcomes students to
stay on campus for lunch.
Student Code of Conduct
It is our school’s and district’s mission to create a warm, safe, and
productive learning environment for our students. During the course of the year
we offer a variety of social and emotional learning opportunities for our
students. We hope that their experiences in programs like Challenge Day,
assemblies that cover internet safety, group guidance sessions, etc. prepare
them well to respond appropriately to stressful and/or difficult situations.
The district has developed a Code of Conduct that addresses the behavioral
expectations of all students in our district.
Dress Code
The district’s Student Dress Code is printed each year in the “Parent’s Guide
& School Calendar.” The wording in the calendar is as follows:
“All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and
to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Students and their
parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and
appearance. Teachers and all other district personnel should reinforce
acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of
appropriate appearance in the school setting. A student’s dress, grooming and
appearance, including hairstyle/color, jewelry, make-up and nails, shall:
1. Be safe, appropriate and not disrupt or interfere with the educational
2. Recognize that extremely brief garments and see-through garments are not
3. Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be
4. Not include the wearing of hats in instructional areas except for a medical
or religious purpose.
5. Not include items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous or denigrate others on
account of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual
orientation or disability.
6. Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs
and/or encourage other illegal or violent activities.
Each building principal or his or her designee shall be responsible for
informing all students and their parents of the student dress code at the
beginning of the school year and any revisions to the dress code made during
the school year.
Students who violate the student dress code shall be required to modify their
appearance by covering or removing the offending item, and if necessary or
practical, replacing it with an acceptable item. Any student who refuses to do
so shall be subject to discipline, up to and including in-school suspension for
the day. Any student who repeatedly fails to comply with the dress code shall
be subject to further discipline, up to and including out-of-school
Athletic Code of Conduct
To participate in our athletic program, students are expected to adhere to an
Athletic Code of Conduct. It is our expectation that our student-athletes will
present themselves in a sportsmanlike manner towards their teammates, their
coaches, their opponents, and game officials. Calhoun High School coaches
preach hard work, dedication, and fair play and expect their upper class team
members to be mentors for our 9th and 10th graders.
To view Athletic Code of Conduct,please click here.
Academic Support
In addition to the various support classes that we offer during the school day,
Calhoun High School also offers tutorial services through our various Honor
Societies. Your child’s guidance counselor can direct you to such services. We
also offer extra help and tutorials in our learning center.
Lockers & Locker Rooms
Lockers are to be treated with care, as they are school property. Any defacing
of school property will result in immediate disciplinary action. All students
are asked to keep their lockers locked. Open lockers could lead to theft. The
school is not responsible for any lost or stolen items that were left
unsecured. A student's locker may be inspected by a school official at any time
if there is sufficient cause to do so without notice or the student's consent.
Food Services
Calhoun High School offers a variety of healthy choices in
our cafeteria. To find out information regarding menu options, free/reduced
lunch, and the opportunity to pre-pay for lunch, please click here for Food Services.
It is the policy of this district that each Calhoun student
residing more than 1.25 miles from Calhoun High school is eligible for bus
Please click here for more information about the district’s
transportation policies and procedures.
District Attendance Policy (15 point penalty)
The Board of Education recognizes an important relationship
between class attendance and student performance. Consequently, each marking
period a student’s grade will be based on classroom participation as well as the
student’s performance on homework, tests, papers, etc.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. All students with
excused absences, latenesses and early dismissals are expected upon their
return to consult with their teachers regarding missed work. Consistent with
the importance of classroom participation, unexcused and unmade-up work will
affect a student’s class participation grade for the marking period.
In grades 9-12, a student who has more than five absences during any marking
period will have 15 points deducted from his/her computed marking period grade.
Students with properly excused absences, latenesses and early dismissals may
make up the work for up to three full period absences per marking period. Made
up missed periods will not count as an accumulated absence toward the allowed
five absences per marking period.
Only those students with excused absences, latenesses and early dismissals will
be given the opportunity to make up a test or other missed work and/or turn in
a late assignment for inclusion in their marking period grade. While a note is
required for all absences to account for a student’s whereabouts, it does not
avoid an accumulation towards the allotted five absences for a marking period.
The only exclusions to this allotment are; bereavement, religious days of
observance, sickness with a doctor’s note and a college visit with a note from
the school.
The District continues to have a no-cut policy. Every unexcused absence will be
followed by disciplinary action as outlined in the District Code of Conduct.
Guidelines for Sending a Student Home Sick
When a student feels ill during the school day, he/she should report to the
nurse’s office. If it is necessary for a student to go home for the remainder
of the day, the nurse will use the information from the emergency contact card
to inform a parent, guardian or another adult provided on the card. Please be
reminded that only adults over the age of 18 that appear on the emergency contact
card are allowed to sign students out of school. Students under the age of 18
are not allowed to sign themselves out of school when ill. Students that are 18
years of age can sign themselves out but it is strongly advised that they do
not do so as they are ill.
To view the emergency contact card,
please click here.
How to Request Homework if a Student is Absent
If your child has been absent for three or more days, you can call the main
office to formally request homework. Work will be collected from the teachers
and work can be picked up from the main office the following day. Many teachers
can be reached through email and so communicating with teachers directly will
further expedite the process.
If you anticipate your child will be absent for an extended period of time
(twenty or more days) due to an extended illness, home teaching services may be
an option. This can be explored through a conversation with your child’s
guidance counselor.