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Senior Experience

The purpose of the Calhoun Senior Experience Internship Program is to provide students with out-of-school opportunities to obtain awareness, first hand understanding and appreciation of the knowledge, skill, and educational requirements necessary for various occupations.

The student interns are required to spend 3-4 hours/week at an unpaid internship. Students are given release time from class two days a week (either Mondays & Thursdays or Tuesdays & Fridays). The internship session runs during the afternoon which includes periods 7, 8, & 9. Given the time constraints and factoring in travel time, students would intern from approximately 12:20 until 2:00 pm.

During this time students will have the opportunity to get a feel of the actual work involved in the career of their choice.  The students are responsible for keeping a journal of their experiences and a time log of the hours spent with their mentor.

How much responsibility the interns have depends on how comfortable the mentor is with them in the work setting.  We have had the most success when the experience goes beyond the purely observational setting and the student is able to take an appropriately active role in the work place.  The level of activity should be dictated by the comfort-level of the mentor.
Benefits of the Internship Program:
  • Gain workplace skills
  • Acquire knowledge of how the real world works
  • Interact with professionals with varied experiences and backgrounds
  • Explore a possible career path
  • Obtain a different experience from school
Any questions pertaining to the program should be directed to:
Peter Palazzo
Internship Coordinator

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