Coronavirus Updates
2/27/2022 -Update from the BMCHSD
Dear Parents/Guardians of the Bellmore and Merrick Communities,
We hope your family had a restful and enjoyable break. As you may have heard, Governor Hochul has lifted the mask mandate for schools as of Wednesday, March 2nd. Therefore, beginning on this Wednesday, March 2nd, masks will be optional for students and staff at school. Please note all other requirements remain in effect at this time. However, the Governor has indicated that this might be modified in the next few days.
We are mindful that there may be a range of feelings regarding these changes, and it is critical that we maintain a respectful environment. Our priority will always be that our schools are places where all students feel comfortable, welcome, and safe.
Thank you for your continued collaboration and support.
Dr. Joseph Famularo
Mr. Michael Harrington
Dr. Dominick Palma
Dr. Cynthia Seniuk
Mrs. Marie Testa
Superintendents of Schools
2/17/2022 - Message from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Michael Harrington
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
As we approach the well-deserved February recess, I share with you how proud I am of our students and staff for the ways in which they have tackled the challenges of this school year and how they have responded with perseverance, resilience and excellence. As the number of positive COVID19 cases across the district continues to decrease and with the spring weather quickly approaching, we remain hopeful and optimistic that the pandemic will soon be in our rear-view mirror. With that in mind, and with the awareness of recent decisions made in neighboring states regarding mask mandates in schools, the BMCHSD leadership team and School Opening Committee have been hard at work preparing for the day when New York State no longer requires masks in schools. In response, we will not only maintain but enhance our health and safety protocols to mitigate the transmission of COVID19.
Additionally, our building administration and school counseling teams will begin having conversations with students and staff about the potential shift to a mask optional policy for our school district. Our priority will continue to be that our schools are places where students feel comfortable, welcomed and safe. During the months ahead, it will be as important as ever for our students to be kind, caring and respectful of one another’s personal decisions and we appreciate your assistance in reinforcing these expectations at home. We will also continue to remind our students and families about the resources that are available in our School Counseling and Wellness Centers and the accessibility of PPS teams. As always, our building administrators, school counselors and PPS staff members will be available to assist families and support the social and emotional needs of our students. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
I hope that everyone finds time next week to rest, relax and have fun with family and friends.
Take care and be well,
Michael Harrington, Superintendent of Schools
2/1//22 - Important Update from the BMCHSD
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
Last evening, the Appellate Division, Second Department and the Honorable Justice Miller ruled that the stay order for the mask mandate has been extended. This means that the requirement for all persons to wear masks in school buildings and on school buses remains in effect.
Please know that the Board of Education and I are dismayed at the confusion and discord that the recent events have caused in our school community and will seek to get more definitive answers as to what to expect in the coming weeks. Please see the letter below to NYS Governor Hochul.
We are also appreciative of the numerous emails received last week where a wide array of viewpoints were expressed with thought and passion. It is important to acknowledge that at some point change is coming regarding the mask mandate and that we are currently preparing for a smart and safe transition. We have spent nearly two years developing protocols and procedures that have kept schools safe and moved us closer and closer to a normalized school environment. Please know that we will continue to follow the law, update our in-school protocols to continue to keep schools a safe and inviting place for ALL students, and continue our work towards recreating the more normalized school environment.
As more information becomes available, I will communicate with the community.
Thank you for your support of the students and staff of the Bellmore-Merrick CHSD.
Take care and be well,
Mike Harrington
Dear Governor Hochul,
We are writing as representatives of the Bellmore and Merrick communities to strongly voice our concern and displeasure over the continued inconsistent messages regarding mask mandates which have confused and divided our communities. The events of the past two weeks which led to a temporary lifting of the mask mandate based on the NYS Supreme Court’s decision, a return when a temporary stay was granted, and finally a stay extended, have negatively affected our students, and resulted in anger, anxiety, and discord among our parents.
If there is a plan to end the NYS mask mandate in the future, it is imperative to communicate with school districts. We have many unanswered questions, but most importantly, do you have a specific matrix that you are using to determine when this will happen?
We implore you to immediately communicate any expectations and/or timeframe of anticipated changes and provide additional guidance to run our school districts. As educators, we need advance notice in order to properly plan to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff.
None of us know what the final outcome of the legal challenges will be. However, it is in your control to communicate your plans, expectations and timeline so that we can navigate the upcoming weeks and months. Please communicate at your earliest convenience so that we might plan for this outcome as well as communicate with our communities.
The Bellmore-Merrick CHSD Board of Education Michael Harrington, Superintendent of Schools
Edward Corona
Nina Lanci
Vice President
Marion Blane
Melissa Cmar-Grote
Janet Goller
Nancy Kaplan, Ed.D.
Tracey Miller
Gina Piskin
Important Update on COVID-19 Protocols Effective 1/26/22
Dear Families in the Bellmore Merrick Communities,
Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Nassau County ruled that the Governor and the New York State Commissioner of Health did not properly enact a “mask mandate” for indoor public spaces including schools, making the mandate unlawful. The Governor later announced, “we are pursuing every option to reverse this immediately.”
Based on this Court ruling and upon the advice of our attorneys, last evening we shared that the mask mandate was lifted. It was also indicated in last night’s email that it was possible things could change if a stay of the court’s decision was granted and the state mask mandate was restored.
Our attorneys informed us that today there was oral argument before the Honorable Justice Miller of the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court. As a result, he ordered a temporary stay which restores the State’s mask mandate, pending a hearing and determination of the stay application. This stay is effective through Friday, January 28, 2022. Therefore, effective tomorrow, Wednesday, January 26, 2022, schools must follow the mask rules that have been in place for all staff and students since September 2021. We will communicate any further rulings from the Appellate Division as they are received.
We know the past two years have been filled with uncertainty, frustration, and confusion for all of us.
Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate the abrupt shifts in pandemic conditions and government policy. We will communicate any further rulings and/or information we receive on this matter.
Dr. Joseph S. Famularo
Mr. Michael Harrington
Dr. Dominick Palma
Dr. Cynthia Seniuk
Mrs. Marie Testa
Superintendents of Schools
1/24/2022 - Important Update on COVID-19 Protocols for 1/25/22
Dear Parents/Guardians in the Bellmore Merrick Communities,
Our districts' attorneys continue to monitor issues relating to the current NYS Mask Mandate. In accordance with the ruling today from the Nassau County Supreme Court, the Honorable Justice Rademaker, the Governor’s mask mandate is no longer in effect. Therefore, effective immediately the use of masks is now optional for all students and staff.
Please know that this may change as per further legal action. We were advised that the Governor is pursuing options to reverse the Court’s decision immediately; however, until such time as an appeal is filed which stays the Court's decision, the Court's decision stands.
Thank you for your continued support.
The health and safety of all children and staff remain our top priority.
Joseph S. Famularo, Ed.D.
Michael Harrington
Dominick Palma, Ed.D.
Marie Testa
Superintendents of Schools
1/11/2022 - Updates from NYSDOH - Quarantine/Isolation
Dear Parents/Guardians of the Bellmore and Merrick Communities,
We have received new guidance dated January 10, 2022 from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) indicating that they are aligning with CDC’s updated COVID-19 isolation and quarantine recommendations. These recommendations shorten quarantine and isolation periods.
The NYSDOH isolation and quarantine guidance is as follows:
Quarantine (for individuals who are exposed to someone with COVID-19)
- In-classroom activities: All fully vaccinated individuals (students, teachers, and staff), who have been exposed to an individual with COVID-19 may continue to attend or work at school, regardless of booster status, while quarantined outside of school.
- Students, teachers, and staff who are not vaccinated or have not completed a primary vaccine series who came into close contact with someone with COVID-19 should quarantine for at least 5 days (day 0 through day 5) after their last close contact.
Isolation (for individuals testing positive for COVID-19)
- Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate for a minimum of 5 days (regardless of vaccination status). If symptoms persist, further isolation will be required; otherwise, they may attend or work at school after the 5-day isolation.
It is very important that children recovering from COVID should be healthy before returning to school. No one should return with a fever. Unvaccinated close contacts must be asymptomatic to return after five days.
For students currently quarantined or isolated, please see the chart and information below:
Positive Case:
Symptomatic: Date of First Symptom Asymptomatic: Positive Test
Close Contact:
Date of last contact
Return to School Date
Before 1/5
1/18 (MLK Jr. Weekend)
1/18 (MLK Jr. Weekend)
1/18 (MLK Jr. Weekend)
Thank you for your continued cooperation and support. We look forward to continually working together for the benefit of our students.
Dr. Joseph S. Famularo
Mr. Michael Harrington
Dr. Dominick Palma
Dr. Cynthia Seniuk
Mrs. Marie Testa
1/2/2022 - BMCHSD Update for Return to School
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had the opportunity to rest and enjoy some family time this holiday weekend.
As indicated last week, we are aware of the uncertainty surrounding the current COVID19 surge and wanted to reach out to update you. We are closely monitoring the number of student and staff cases to ensure that we continue to provide a safe environment for our students and staff. Based on current information, all BMCHSD schools will reopen for in-person instruction tomorrow, January 3rd, 2022.
Masks will continue to be required for all students and staff and all health and safety protocols will be adhered to. Throughout the week, the district will be monitoring student and staff attendance closely to ensure that students are receiving the best quality education, with their health and safety remaining our top priorities. I know that our current reality has caused much stress and anxiety but please know that we will continue to monitor and assess the number of positive COVID19 cases in our community and the impact on the daily operation of our schools.
In addition, tomorrow the BMCHSD will disseminate additional information regarding the COVID-19 Home Testing kits which are being provided by New York State to parents as a resource for students. Please note that accepting these kits is completely optional, and there is NO testing requirement to attend school. A survey will be sent tomorrow to collect information regarding your interest in receiving test kits.
Looking forward to the promise of a new year!
All the best,
Mike Harrington
Michael Harrington
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1001
12/30/2021 - Update from BMCHSD and Component Districts
Dear Bellmore Merrick School Communities,
We hope that this email finds you and your families enjoying the break. You may have heard that the CDC has issued new recommendations reducing the length of isolation and quarantine for people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or identified as a close contact of a positive case. At this time, these recommendations have not been adopted by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH). The only changes that have been released by NYSDOH pertain to critical care workers and allow for an early return to work if numerous conditions are met.
Therefore, there is currently no change in protocol for students who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or identified as a close contact. There is still a 10-day quarantine/isolation period in effect in New York State. Please continue to notify your district if your child has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or identified as a close contact due to an out of school exposure. As updates and changes are communicated to us, we will be sure to forward them to you.
In addition, you may have also heard that New York State is sending home testing kits to all school districts and has directed districts to form a plan to distribute them. Please note that receiving a home kit is optional. Only those families that wish to have a kit will receive one. At this time, the districts have not received the testing kits nor notification of when we can expect to receive them. In anticipation, surveys will be distributed shortly to all parents in each of our school districts to assess the desire of families to receive at-home testing kits for their child(ren). Once test kits have been made available to the districts, and we know how many are actually available, we will determine a process for distribution based upon the need. Please know we will NOT be sending kits home.
Thank you for your continued support, understanding and cooperation. As further details become available, we will keep you informed.
Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Dr. Joseph S. Famularo
Mr. Michael Harrington
Dr. Dominick Palma
Dr. Cynthia Seniuk
Mrs. Marie Testa
Superintendents of Schools
12/20/2021 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Michael Harrington
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
After a most productive day of classes, and careful analysis of all the information available to us at this time, the decision has been made to keep the Bellmore-Merrick CHSD open for in-person instruction and extracurricular activities throughout the rest of the week. As mentioned last week, we strongly advise students to avoid carpools and off-campus lunch gatherings this week. Unfortunately, both have resulted in transmission and quarantine at times this year.
Thank you, as always, for your cooperation and support as we continue to navigate these challenging times.
Michael Harrington
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
12/17/2021 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Michael Harrington
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
As the number of COVID19 cases across the district continues to increase, please know that the BMCHSD administrative team is closely analyzing and assessing each case and conducting the appropriate contact tracing to determine the root of infection, transmission and potential spread. Our contact tracing investigations have been thorough and informative and have tied a number of our new cases to large gatherings, party buses and car pools from last weekend.
As always, the health and safety of our students, families, faculty and staff is our top priority. At the same time, we make in-person instruction and in-person extracurricular activities paramount. Over this weekend, please encourage everyone to make responsible choices, and to be sensitive to all the students and families in our school district so that we can maintain in-person curricular and extracurricular experiences for our students.
Over the last few days, parents have inquired about going remote for the remaining four days of school. Currently the plan is to analyze new cases over the weekend and the status of our schools on Monday morning to make a determination for the remaining school days. In addition to the information above regarding weekend decisions, I would also advise your children to avoid carpools and lunch gatherings next week. Unfortunately, those are two areas during school hours that have resulted in transmission and quarantine.
Thank you and be well,
Michael Harrington
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1001
8/27/2021 - BMCHSD Final School Opening Guidelines
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
Please see the attached School Opening Guidelines for the BMCHSD. For months, we have been working collaboratively with the Board of Education and the School Opening Committee reviewing procedures for the start of school. The goal has been to balance safety with the return to normalcy whenever possible. Attached you will find key points about our procedures for the start of the school year. Decision making was informed by our experiences over the many months of the COVID-19 pandemic and guidance from the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the NYS Education Department and NYS and Nassau County Health officials. The procedures outlined will be reviewed continuously and revised as necessary to best meet the needs of our students.
Special thank you to the Bellmore-Merrick Board of Education and members of the School Opening Committee for their tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to the students, staff and families of our school community.
Looking forward to welcoming all students back on Wednesday, September 1st!
Michael Harrington
Michael Harrington
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1001
8/9/2021 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Michael Harrington
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I am writing today about the evolving situation concerning the opening of our school year and the COVID-19 health crisis. Currently, there is no official guidance on some of the important questions that would help schools navigate the start of the school year. In spite of this, the district has and will continue to work hard with the School Opening Committee on many preparations.
Please know that the health, safety and well-being of our students, staff and families remains our top priority. As new information continues to develop, I will seek to update the school community as often as possible.
What we are happy to report as of today, August 9, 2021:
- Schools will open fully for all students starting Wednesday, September 1, 2021.
- All schools will return to normal bell schedules.
- All transportation will return to normal schedules.
- All schools have removed the clear barriers/shields from student desks.
- Students will be able to use lockers and locker rooms.
- The District will be reinstating instructional practices (hands-on learning, labs, group work, field trips, etc…) that make the overall learning experience as normal as possible.
- Following CDC and AAP guidance that prioritizes in-person instruction, the District will not have a full-year remote learning program.
- Increased cleaning and disinfection measures implemented last year will continue into the 2021-2022 school year.
As shared last week, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) unexpectedly announced that they will not be providing reopening guidance for schools. At this time, the NYSDOH has said that school districts should develop their own plans to reopen in person this fall, utilizing the most current CDC Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools.
In response, State Education Department Commissioner Betty Rosa sent a letter urging the NYSDOH to reconsider and share guidance with school districts. The Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District also sent the attached letters (linked below) to the respective commissioners of the NYSDOH and the Nassau County Department of Health requesting that they provide school districts with detailed plans regarding how to safely reopen our schools for the 2021-22 school year. While we await a response, the district continues to make preliminary plans for school to open.
BMCHSD Letter to County
BMCHSD Letter to State
As noted above, our top priority is the overall well-being of our students, faculty and staff, and to have them in the best and safest learning environment possible. As new information regarding the opening of school becomes available, I will communicate with families.
Take care and be well,
Michael Harrington
8/5/2021 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Michael Harrington
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the summer with friends and family. As the number of positive cases of COVID19 continues to rise, Bellmore-Merrick CHSD still awaits final guidance regarding COVID19 protocols for the start of the 2021-22 school year. As mentioned at last night’s Board of Education meeting, we have been waiting for guidance from the NYS Department of Health and the Governor’s Office for the upcoming school year for weeks. We have been told multiple times that this guidance would be forthcoming. Earlier today, we learned that the NYS DOH may not provide us with guidance. We are currently waiting for official notification if guidance will be coming or not and hope to receive some official statement and notification soon. Please know we will keep you posted as new information becomes available and continue our collaborative efforts with members of our School Opening Committee to make decisions in the best interest of our students, staff and families in regards to COVID19 protocols for the start of the school year.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We are looking forward to a wonderful school year.
Take care and be well,
Michael Harrington
Michael Harrington
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1001
7/23/2021 - Letter from BMCHSD and Component Districts to Governor Cuomo
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
Please see the updated letter (below) from the BMCHSD and the four component school districts of North Bellmore, Bellmore, North Merrick and Merrick.
All Components Letter to Governor - 7/23/2021
Michael Harrington, Superintendent of Schools
6/13/2021 - Letter from BMCHSD and Component Districts to Governor Cuomo
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Staff and Families,
Please see the attached letter from the Bellmore-Merrick CHSD and the four component school districts of North Bellmore, Bellmore, North Merrick and Merrick.
Thank you.
6/7/2021 - Update Regarding Masks
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
Please see the attached letter from the Bellmore-Merrick Superintendents with updates about masks.
Thank you for your cooperation!
6/6/2021 - Update Regarding Masks
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I am writing in an effort to keep you posted regarding mask mandates.
Throughout the weekend we have been working with representatives from the Governor’s office, school law attorneys, education advocacy groups and administrators from other districts. We have been informed that the Governor will hold a press conference on Monday giving us the official guidance regarding the requirements for mask wearing in school settings.
We have received notification today from the New York State Department of Education Department that we should continue to proceed under current procedures until we receive the new guidance. All current COVID19 safety precautions will remain in place pending further notice from NYS.
Once we receive the new guidance, we will review it and share the details with you. Please note, until we receive the new guidance and have time to review it, there is no change to our current procedures.
Thank you for your support and cooperation during this time.
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
6/4/2021 - Update from NYSDOH
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
Earlier this afternoon, we received the attached letter from Dr. Howard Zucker, New York State Commissioner of Health written to Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Director of Centers for Disease Control and Preventions. As you will read, "New York State plans to align the schools and camps mask guidance as follows:
- Indoors, mask use will be strongly encouraged, but not required for students, campers, and staff/teachers/counselors who are not fully vaccinated.
- Outdoors, masks are not required; students, campers, and staff/teachers/counselors who are not fully vaccinated are (encouraged) to wear a mask in certain higher risk circumstances.
- Both indoors and outdoors, students, campers, and staff who are fully vaccinated do not need to wear masks.
Governor Cuomo has indicated that the New York State Department of Health has reached out to the CDC to determine whether the CDC objects to this change and will issue updated guidance on Monday, June 7th. Once new guidance has been issued by the NYSDOH and/or the Governor, we will apprise you accordingly.
If I receive more information this weekend, I will share it with the community.
Take care and be well,
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
5/19/2021 - Updated CDC/NYSDOH Guidance and Desk Barriers
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As the end of the school year quickly approaches, once again, we want to thank and congratulate the students, staff and families of the Bellmore-Merrick community. The incredible efforts made this year to provide our students with full in-person instruction in a healthy and safe learning environment since September has been awe-inspiring. Throughout the school year, Bellmore-Merrick has carefully analyzed data/evidence of positive cases and guidance from the CDC, the NYS Department of Health and the Nassau County Health Department to make progressive decisions so that students received the best quality school experience possible during this most challenging year. Progressive decision making not only allowed us to open up for full in-person instruction, but it also allowed our district to offer curricular/extracurricular clubs, intramurals, art, music and interscholastic athletics.
Over the last several weeks, we have carefully analyzed decreasing positivity rates, an increase in the number of vaccinated students and staff members and evidence that schools have not been sources of transmission of COVID19. With this in mind, Bellmore-Merrick remains committed to making progressive and safe decisions to enhance our learning environment for students and staff. Recently, both the CDC and New York State Department of Health sent updated guidance to schools indicating that plastic desk barriers are no longer recommended. In an effort to enhance the quality of the classroom experience for our students and staff for the remainder of the year, the Bellmore-Merrick CHSD, with approval from the Bellmore-Merrick Board of Education will be implementing a transition plan to remove desk barriers from our classrooms effective on June 1st. Please know that some instructional and non-instructional areas will keep barriers in place due to the inability to maintain the distance recommended by the CDC and NYS DOH.
With the increased number of people receiving vaccinations and a steady decline in positivity rates in our surrounding areas, we are very optimistic for a 2021-22 school year with much less restrictions and a return to some sense of normalcy for our students, families and staff. We continue to be grateful for the tireless efforts of our Reopening Committee members who are currently planning for a most successful start to a new school year in September.
Please know that the rules and regulations are evolving on a daily basis, and as they do, we will continue to make the necessary adjustments to our classrooms and schools in an effort to return to as close to normal as possible.
Thank you again for your continued support. We have never been more thankful to serve the students, staff and families of this wonderful school community!
Take care and be well,
John DeTommaso Michael Harrington
Superintendent of Schools Assistant Superintendent
5/4/2021 - COVID Testing Reminder - Week of May 10
Dear BMCHSD Sport Families:
Please see below for testing times by school for all boys lacrosse players in the BMCHSD.
Testing Times by School (Thursday, May 13th at Brookside School)
Grand & Merrick Avenue Boys Lacrosse Players – 5-6pm
All High School Boys Lacrosse Players – 6-7pm
Student-athletes who have previously tested positive for COVID, and are within the 90 day window of the date of diagnosis, will be exempt from testing. However, once he/she are beyond the 90 day window, they must begin testing on a weekly basis. In addition, individuals participating in “High-Risk” sports (Coaches & Athletes) who are fully vaccinated and two weeks beyond the second shot, will also be exempt from testing.
For those BMCHSD families who are celebrating Eid, please notify your coach and there will be an additional testing day scheduled to accommodate athletes who cannot make testing on Thursday.
If your child is fully vaccinated, kindly forward a screenshot or copy of their vaccination card to Kim Mann atkmann@bellmore-merrick.k12.ny.usas soon as possible. Should you choose to test your child on your own, you must have a negative PCR COVID test result and the appropriate paperwork should also be forwarded to Rapid tests will not be accepted for “High Risk” sports participation.
After your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative. Please see the testing times by schools for testing at Brookside School. NOTE DAY AND TIME CHANGES.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes. If you have further questions regarding COVID testing, please contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends school. Thank you.
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
5/4/2021 - Live Spectator Link
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Sports Families:
As the spring season begins in earnest, please click here for the most up to date link to spectator policies for schools throughout Section VIII. Be safe and stay healthy. Good luck to all of our athletes. Thank you.
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
4/30/2021 -Updated Spring Sports Spectator Policy and Transportation Information
As per NYS Department of Health guidelines, the BMCHSD will permit two (2) adult spectators per competitor at all HOME contests. Student spectators will NOT be permitted. In addition, the BMCHSD will ALSO be permitting visiting spectators at athletic contests.
All spectators who attend a BMCHSD athletic contest on one of our campuses will be expected to follow all health and safety protocols, including the completion of a COVID self-screening questionnaire and temperature screening prior to entrance. Masks must be worn at all times, coordinated seating and social distancing guidelines will be strictly enforced. For COVID self-screening questionnaire please click here.
Coaches have scheduled mandatory parent meetings to discuss specific information related to each individual team. Please know that spectator attendance at interscholastic events remains a fluid situation throughout Nassau County and will be closely monitored during athletic competitions. If changes to our spectator policy are necessary throughout the season, we will provide our families with the appropriate updates.
The BMCHSD will be providing transportation to and from practices (where applicable) and away contests as usual. However, due to the circumstances surrounding COVID19, we encourage (whenever possible) families to transport their own child to and from away contests. The BMCHSD will NOT permit carpooling, nor will it be permissible to transport a child who is NOT a member of your family to an away contest.
There are two waivers attached to this email below. One is for transportation To and FROM an away contest. The second waiver is to be used when the BMCHSD has transported the child to an away contest, but the parent/guardian wishes to provide transportation for their child home from the athletic event. If you plan to transport your child to and/or from any athletic contest, please complete the appropriate waiver and submit it to your child’s coach 24 hours prior to the away contest.
Athletics Travel Release To and From Athletic Event
Athletics Travel Release From Athletic Event
Please know that the health and safety of our coaches and student-athletes remains our foremost priority. We appreciate your patience and continued partnership during these unprecedented times. If you have further questions, kindly contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends. Be safe and stay healthy.
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
4/30/2021 -COVID Testing Reminder for Week of May 3
Dear BMCHSD Sport Families:
The BMCHSD requires all coaches and student-athletes who participate in “High Risk” sports to be tested for COVID. ALL PROSPECTIVE MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL BOYS LACROSSE PLAYERS MUST TEST PRIOR TO TRYOUTS.
Student-athletes who have previously tested positive for COVID, and are within the 90 day window of the date of diagnosis, will be exempt from testing. However, once he/she are beyond the 90 day window, they must begin testing on a weekly basis. In addition, individuals participating in “High-Risk” sports (Coaches & Athletes) who are fully vaccinated and two weeks beyond the second shot, will also be exempt from testing.
There is a link to a portal for the COVID testing registration process in the BMCHSD. In order to expedite the lab results and decrease wait time, it is recommended you access and complete the registration process prior to arrival. You can access the portal by clicking here. For all student-athletes who did not participate in a winter “High Risk” sport, this process must be completed in order to be tested. If you do not register through the portal provided, your child will not be able to complete his/her testing. It is only necessary to complete the registration process once. Therefore, if you have completed this process previously, there no need to do so again.
If your child is fully vaccinated, kindly forward a screenshot or copy of their vaccination card to Kim Mann atkmann@bellmore-merrick.k12.ny.usas soon as possible. Should you choose to test your child on your own, you must have a negative PCR COVID test result and the appropriate paperwork should also be forwarded to Rapid tests will not be accepted for “High Risk” sports participation.
After your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative. Please see the testing times by schools for testing at Brookside School. NOTE DAY AND TIME CHANGES.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes. If you have further questions regarding COVID testing, please contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends school. Thank you.
Testing Times by School (Thursday, May 6th at Brookside School)
Grand & Merrick Avenue Boys Lacrosse Players – 5-6pm
All High School Boys Lacrosse Players – 6-7pm
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
4/19/2021 -Important Update Regarding COVID Testing
Dear BMCHSD Sport Families:
Currently, coaches and student-athletes who have previously tested positive for COVID, and are within the 90 day window of the date of diagnosis, have been exempt from testing. However, once an individual is beyond the 90 day window, they must begin testing on a weekly basis.
As of today, Monday, April 19th, individuals participating in “High-Risk” sports (Coaches & Athletes) who are fully vaccinated and two weeks beyond the second shot, will also be exempt from testing. If your child is fully vaccinated, kindly forward a screenshot or copy of their vaccination card to Kim Mann at as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes. If you have further questions regarding COVID testing or “exempt status”, please contact my office at your convenience. Thank you.
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
4/16/2021 - COVID Testing Reminder: Please NOTE Time and Day Changes
Dear BMCHSD Sport Families:
The BMCHSD requires all coaches and student-athletes who participate in “High Risk” sports to be tested for COVID. ALL PROSPECTIVE BOYS LACROSSE PLAYERS MUST TEST PRIOR TO TRYOUTS. Testing is managed by Around the Clock Testing and Screening Services (ATC) and ProPhase Diagnostics. Student-athletes who have previously tested positive for COVID, and are within the 90 day window of the date of diagnosis, will also be exempt from testing. However, once he/she are beyond the 90 day window, they must begin testing on a weekly basis.
There is a link to a portal for the COVID testing registration process in the BMCHSD. In order to expedite the lab results and decrease wait time, it is recommended you access and complete the registration process prior to arrival. You can access the portal by clicking here. For all student-athletes who did not participate in a winter “High Risk” sport, this process must be completed in order to be tested. If you do not register through the portal provided, your child will not be able to complete his/her testing. It is only necessary to complete the registration process once. Therefore, if you have completed this process previously, there no need to do so again.
Should you choose to test your child on your own, you must have a negative PCR COVID test result and the appropriate paperwork should be forwarded to Rapid tests will not be accepted for “High Risk” sports participation.
After your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative. Please see the testing times by schools for testing at Brookside School. NOTE DAY CHANGE.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work closely with ATC and ProPhase Diagnostics to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes. If you have further questions regarding COVID testing, please contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends school. Thank you.
Testing Times by School (Monday, April 19th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 5-5:40pm
Mepham – 5:45-6:25pm
Kennedy – 6:30-7:00pm
Grand Avenue – 5-6pm
Testing Times by School (Thursday, April 22nd at Brookside School)
Merrick Avenue – 5:00-6:00pm
Make-ups for All Schools – 6:00-7:00pm
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
4/9/2021 - Fall Sports COVID Testing Reminder
Dear BMCHSD Fall Sport Families:
The BMCHSD requires all coaches and student-athletes who participate in “High Risk” sports to be tested for COVID. Testing is managed by Around the Clock Testing and Screening Services (ATC) and ProPhase Diagnostics. Student-athletes who have previously tested positive for COVID, and are within the 90 day window of the date of diagnosis, will also be exempt from testing. However, once he/she are beyond the 90 day window, they must begin testing on a weekly basis.
There is a link to a portal for the COVID testing registration process in the BMCHSD. In order to expedite the lab results and decrease wait time, it is recommended you access and complete the registration process prior to arrival. You can access the portal by clicking here. For all student-athletes who did not participate in a winter “High Risk” sport, this process must be completed in order to be tested. If you do not register through the portal provided, your child will not be able to complete his/her testing. It is only necessary to complete the registration process once. Therefore, if you have completed this process previously, there no need to do so again.
Should you choose to test your child on your own, you must have a negative PCR COVID test result and the appropriate paperwork should be forwarded to Rapid tests will not be accepted for “High Risk” sports participation.
After your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative. Please see the testing times by schools for testing at Brookside School.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work closely with ATC and ProPhase Diagnostics to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes. If you have further questions regarding COVID testing, please contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends school. Thank you.
Testing Times by School (Saturday, April 10th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 11-11:40am
Mepham – 11:45-12:25pm
Kennedy – 12:25-1:00pm
Testing Times by School (Monday, April 12th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 5-5:40pm
Mepham – 5:45-6:25pm
Kennedy – 6:30-7:00pm
Testing Times by School for MS Football ONLY (Tuesday, April 13th at Brookside)
Grand Avenue – 5:00-6:00pm
Merrick Avenue – 6:00-7:00pm
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
3/25/2021 - High School Fall Sports COVID Testing Reminder for Spring Recess
Dear BMCHSD Fall Sport Families:
The BMCHSD requires all coaches and student-athletes who participate in “High Risk” sports to be tested for COVID. Testing is managed by Around the Clock Testing and Screening Services (ATC) and ProPhase Diagnostics. Student-athletes who have previously tested positive for COVID, and are within the 90 day window of the date of diagnosis, will also be exempt from testing. However, once he/she are beyond the 90 day window, they must begin testing on a weekly basis.
There is a link to a portal for the COVID testing registration process in the BMCHSD. In order to expedite the lab results and decrease wait time, it is recommended you access and complete the registration process prior to arrival. You can access the portal by clicking here. For all student-athletes who did not participate in a winter “High Risk” sport, this process must be completed in order to be tested. If you do not register through the portal provided, your child will not be able to complete his/her testing. It is only necessary to complete the registration process once. Therefore, if you have completed this process previously, there no need to do so again.
Should you choose to test your child on your own, you must have a negative PCR COVID test result and the appropriate paperwork should be forwarded to Rapid tests will not be accepted for “High Risk” sports participation.
After your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative. Please see the testing times by schools for testing at Brookside School. Note, testing is completed on Saturday’s and Monday’s for HS students and Wednesday’s for MS students ONLY in the BMCHSD.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work closely with ATC and ProPhase Diagnostics to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes. If you have further questions regarding COVID testing, please contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends school. Thank you.
Testing Times by School (Saturday, March 27th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 11-11:40am
Mepham – 11:45-12:25pm
Kennedy – 12:25-1:00pm
Testing Times by School (Monday, March 29th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 5-5:40pm
Mepham – 5:45-6:25pm
Kennedy – 6:30-7:00pm
Testing Times by School (Saturday, April 3rd at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 11-11:40am
Mepham – 11:45-12:25pm
Kennedy – 12:25-1:00pm
Testing Times by School (Monday, April 5th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 5-5:40pm
Mepham – 5:45-6:25pm
Kennedy – 6:30-7:00pm
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
3/16/2021 -Important Update on Spectator Policy
Dear BMCHSD Families:
As you know, spectator attendance at interscholastic events remains a fluid situation throughout Nassau County. After closely monitoring the first week of competitions, specifically our intra-district games, the BMCHSD has decided to adjust its spectator policy. Therefore, effective Wednesday, March 17th, we will begin permitting two (2) adult spectators, during outdoor sports ONLY, for visiting teams at all BMCHSD campuses. The BMCHSD will continue to permit two adult (2) spectators for Calhoun, Kennedy and Mepham at home contests.
The following schools, on a BM sports schedule for Calhoun, Kennedy or Mepham, are also permitting two adult (2) spectators during outdoor sports ONLY, for visiting teams:
- Carey
- Elmont
- Garden City (Indoor and outdoor)
- Glen Cove
- Lawrence
- Long Beach
- Lynbrook
- MacArthur
- Massapequa
- Nassau County Aquatic Center (Girls Swimming)
- New Hyde Park
- North Shore
- Plainedge
- Sewanhaka
- Southside
- Valley Stream North (Soccer & Football ONLY)
- Valley Stream Central (Soccer & Football ONLY)
- Valley Stream South (Soccer & Football ONLY)
All spectators who attend an athletic contest, either home or away, will be expected to follow all health and safety protocols, including the completion of a COVID self-screening questionnaire and temperature checks prior to gaining entrance. Masks must be worn at all times and coordinated seating and social distancing guidelines will be strictly enforced.
It is important that we work collaboratively with our colleagues in Section VIII that are permitting us the attend events on their campuses. Therefore, kindly adhere to all directives while in attendance. The overwhelming goal of this shift in visiting team spectator policy is to provide parents the opportunity to be present in the event of an emergency, as well as, create the type of atmosphere for our student-athletes that resembles some normalcy during the current climate. Please continue to cheer positively and support all athletes and officials. Most importantly, graciously enjoy the game!
Again, spectator attendance at interscholastic events remains a fluid situation throughout Nassau County and will continue to be closely monitored. If there are additional changes as the season progresses, we will provide our families with the appropriate updates.
Please know that the health and safety of our coaches and student-athletes remains our foremost priority. We appreciate your patience and continued partnership during these unprecedented times. If you have further questions, kindly contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends. Be safe and stay healthy.
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
3/15/2021 - Fall Sports COVID Testing Reminder - Week of March 15th
Dear BMCHSD HS Fall Sport Families:
The BMCHSD requires all coaches and student-athletes who participate in “High Risk” sports to be tested for COVID. Testing is managed by Around the Clock Testing and Screening Services (ATC) and ProPhase Diagnostics. Student-athletes who have previously tested positive for COVID, and are within the 90 day window of the date of diagnosis, will also be exempt from testing. However, once he/she are beyond the 90 day window, they must begin testing on a weekly basis.
There is a link to a portal for the COVID testing registration process in the BMCHSD. In order to expedite the lab results and decrease wait time, it is recommended you access and complete the registration process prior to arrival. You can access the portal by clicking here. For all student-athletes who did not participate in a winter “High Risk” sport, this process must be completed in order to be tested. If you do not register through the portal provided, your child will not be able to complete his/her testing. It is only necessary to complete the registration process once. Therefore, if you have completed this process previously, there no need to do so again.
Should you choose to test your child on your own, you must have a negative PCR COVID test result and the appropriate paperwork should be forwarded to Rapid tests will not be accepted for “High Risk” sports participation.
After your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative. Please see the testing times by schools for testing at Brookside School. Note, testing is completed on Saturday’s and Monday’s ONLY in the BMCHSD.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work closely with ATC and ProPhase Diagnostics to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes. If you have further questions regarding COVID testing, please contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends school. Thank you.
Testing Times by School (Monday, March 15th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 5-5:40pm
Mepham – 5:45-6:25pm
Kennedy – 6:30-7:00pm
Testing Times by School (Saturday, March 20th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 11-11:40am
Mepham – 11:45-12:25pm
Kennedy – 12:25-1:00pm
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
3/11/2021 - Fall Sports COVID Testing Reminder
Dear BMCHSD HS Fall Sport Families:
The BMCHSD requires all coaches and student-athletes who participate in “High Risk” sports to be tested for COVID. Testing is managed by Around the Clock Testing and Screening Services (ATC) and ProPhase Diagnostics. Student-athletes who have previously tested positive for COVID, and are within the 90 day window of the date of diagnosis, will also be exempt from testing. However, once he/she are beyond the 90 day window, they must begin testing on a weekly basis.
There is a link to a portal for the COVID testing registration process in the BMCHSD. In order to expedite the lab results and decrease wait time, it is recommended you access and complete the registration process prior to arrival. You can access the portal by clicking here. For all student-athletes who did not participate in a winter “High Risk” sport, this process must be completed in order to be tested. If you do not register through the portal provided, your child will not be able to complete his/her testing. It is only necessary to complete the registration process once. Therefore, if you have completed this process previously, there no need to do so again.
Should you choose to test your child on your own, you must have a negative PCR COVID test result and the appropriate paperwork should be forwarded to Rapid tests will not be accepted for “High Risk” sports participation.
After your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative. Please see the testing times by schools for testing at Brookside School. Note, testing is completed on Saturday’s and Monday’s ONLY in the BMCHSD.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work closely with ATC and ProPhase Diagnostics to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes. If you have further questions regarding COVID testing, please contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends school. Thank you.
Testing Times by School (Saturday, March13th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 11-11:40am
Mepham – 11:45-12:25pm
Kennedy – 12:25-1:00pm
Testing Times by School (Monday, March 15th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 5-5:40pm
Mepham – 5:45-6:25pm
Kennedy – 6:30-7:00pm
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
3/10/2021 - Important Message for Prospective Middle School Fall Sports Athletes
Dear BMCHSD Middle School Sports Families:
As we approach the MS fall sports season, I wanted to communicate what to expect should your child decide to try out for a fall sport at our Middle Schools.
The Fall and Spring MS sport seasons will be condensed seasons, approved by Section VIII, with competition against other schools. They are NOT intramurals. Tryouts will be competitive. COVID testing will be required for coaches and athletes who participate in “High Risk” sports (Football). All other MS fall sports will NOT require testing. Locker rooms will be provided for football ONLY. Student-athletes participating in football will be organized into small groups, assigned lockers which will be socially distant and be closely monitored by building staff. All other sports will have alternative areas designated by building administration to meet with coaches and bathrooms will be designated to change as needed. The BMCHSD will also require masks for sports participation.
Testing is managed by Around the Clock Testing and Screening Services (ATC) and ProPhase Diagnostics lab services. Registration will take place via online portal. Student-athletes who have previously tested positive for COVID, and are within the 90 window of the date of diagnosis, will be exempt from testing. However, once he/she are beyond the 90 day window, they will must begin testing on a weekly basis. As per NYS Department of Health guidelines, the BMCHSD will permit two (2) adult spectators per competitor at all HOME contests. Student spectators will NOT be permitted. In addition, as per Section VIII schools, spectators WILL NOT be permitted at AWAY contests until further notice.
More details regarding COVID testing for student-athletes and the BMCHSD spectator policy will be forthcoming. Please know that the health and safety of our coaches and student-athletes remains our foremost priority. We appreciate your patience and continued partnership during these unprecedented times. If you have further questions, kindly contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends. Be safe and stay healthy.
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
3/4/2021 - Fall Sports COVID Testing Reminder
Dear BMCHSD Fall Sport Families:
The BMCHSD requires all coaches and student-athletes who participate in “High Risk” sports to be tested for COVID. Testing is managed by Around the Clock Testing and Screening Services (ATC) and ProPhase Diagnostics. Student-athletes who have previously tested positive for COVID, and are within the 90 day window of the date of diagnosis, will also be exempt from testing. However, once he/she are beyond the 90 day window, they must begin testing on a weekly basis.
There is a link to a portal for the COVID testing registration process in the BMCHSD. In order to expedite the lab results and decrease wait time, it is recommended you access and complete the registration process prior to arrival. You can access the portal by clicking here. For all student-athletes who did not participate in a winter “High Risk” sport, this process must be completed in order to be tested. If you do not register through the portal provided, your child will not be able to complete his/her testing. It is only necessary to complete the registration process once. Therefore, if you have completed this process previously, there no need to do so again.
Should you choose to test your child on your own, you must have a negative PCR COVID test result and the appropriate paperwork should be forwarded to Rapid tests will not be accepted for “High Risk” sports participation.
After your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative. Please see the testing times by schools for testing at Brookside School. Note, testing is completed on Saturday’s and Monday’s ONLY in the BMCHSD.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work closely with ATC and ProPhase Diagnostics to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes. If you have further questions regarding COVID testing, please contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends school. Thank you.
Testing Times by School (Saturday, March 6th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 11-11:40am
Mepham – 11:45-12:25pm
Kennedy – 12:25-1:00pm
Testing Times by School (Monday, March 8th at Brookside School)
Calhoun – 5-5:40pm
Mepham – 5:45-6:25pm
Kennedy – 6:30-7:00pm
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
3/4/2021 - Fall Athletics - Spectator Policy and Transportation Information
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families:
With the condensed season for “high risk” fall sports underway, please see the important information below regarding spectators and transportation to and from athletic events.
As per NYS Department of Health guidelines, the BMCHSD will permit two (2) adult spectators per competitor at all HOME contests. Student spectators will NOT be permitted. In addition, as per Section VIII schools, spectators WILL NOT be permitted at AWAY contests until further notice. However, for intra-district games ONLY , the BMCHSD will be allowing 2 adult spectators per athlete for schools identified as the “visiting” team. Details on this plan will be forthcoming.
All spectators who attend a home contest on one of our campuses will be expected to follow all health and safety protocols, including the completion of a COVID self-screening questionnaire and temperature screening prior to entrance. Masks must be worn at all times, coordinated seating and social distancing guidelines will be strictly enforced.
After tryouts are completed, coaches will schedule mandatory parent meetings to discuss specific information related to each individual team. Please know that spectator attendance at interscholastic events remains a fluid situation throughout Nassau County and will be closely monitored during the first week of competitions. If changes to our spectator policy are necessary throughout the season, we will provide our families with the appropriate updates.
The BMCHSD will be providing transportation to and from practices (where applicable) and away contests as usual. However, due to the circumstances surrounding COVID19, we encourage (whenever possible) families to transport their own child to and from away contests. The BMCHSD will NOT permit carpooling, nor will it be permissible to transport a child who is NOT a member of your family to an away contest.
There are two waivers attached to this email. One is for transportation To and FROM an away contest. The second waiver is to be used when the BMCHSD has transported the child to an away contest, but the parent/guardian wishes to provide transportation for their child home from the athletic event. If you plan to transport your child to and/or from any athletic contest, please complete the appropriate waiver and submit it to your child’s coach 24 hours prior to the away contest.
Please know that the health and safety of our coaches and student-athletes remains our foremost priority. We appreciate your patience and continued partnership during these unprecedented times. If you have further questions, kindly contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends. Be safe and stay healthy.
Here are the Transportation waivers for Athletic Events:
Athletics Travel Release To and From Events
Athletics Travel Release From Events
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
2/23/2021 - Reminder for BMCHSD Student-Athlete COVID Testing
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families:
As a reminder, the regularly scheduled weekly COVID testing for student-athletes will occur at Brookside School tomorrow, Wednesday, February 24th.
If you have yet to do so, in order to expedite the lab results and decrease wait time, it is recommended you access the registration portal by clicking here. This process will only have to be completed once. If you do not register through the portal provided, your child will not be able to complete his/her testing. Kindly take a screenshot once you have completed the registration process so that the technician can confirm it has been completed properly.
ATC Testing and Screening Services and ProPhase Diagnostics are no longer be accepting paper registration forms. Additionally, should you choose to test your child on your own, you must have a PCR Covid test result. Rapid tests will not be accepted for “High Risk” sports participation.
After your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. Remember, YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative.
Please see the testing times by schools for testing at Brookside School below. Thank you for your patience as we continue to work with ATC and ProPhase Diagnostics to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes.
Testing Times by School (Wednesday, February 24th)
- Calhoun – 5-5:40pm
- Mepham – 5:45-6:25pm
- Kennedy – 6:30-7:10pm
Testing Times by School (Saturday, February 27th)
- Calhoun – 10:45-11:30am
- Mepham – 11:35-12:20pm
- Kennedy – 12:25-1:10pm
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
2/17/2021 - Reminder for Student-Athlete COVID Testing
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families:
As a result of continuing to work closely with Around the Clock Testing and Screening Services (ATC) and ProPhase Diagnostics, we are now able to provide a link to a portal for the new COVID testing registration process for the BMCHSD. In order to expedite the lab results and decrease wait time, it is recommended you access the registration portal by clicking here. If you register through portal, it will NOT be necessary to complete the ProPhase registration form that was previously sent to you. Therefore, if registration is completed via the ProPhase portal, your child will NOT need the form upon entry to testing. This process will only have to be completed once.
As a reminder, after your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. From this point forward, YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative. Please see the testing times by schools for testing tonight, Wednesday, February 17th, at Brookside School.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work closely with ATC and ProPhase Diagnostics to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible for our student-athletes.
Testing Times By School (Wednesday)
Calhoun – 5-5:45pm
Mepham – 5:50-6:35pm
Kennedy – 6:40-7:25pm
Testing Times By School (Saturday)
Calhoun – 10:45-11:30am
Mepham – 11:35-12:20pm
Kennedy – 12:25-1:10pm
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
2/15/2021 - New Registration Process for Student-Athlete COVID Testing
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families:
Around the Clock Testing and Screening Services (ATC) has worked with the BMCHSD to develop a new registration process for our student-athletes. Please click here to access the form from the laboratory now being used by ATC, ProPhase Diagnostics. Please complete the required fields and have your child bring the completed form on the day they are testing. This will be a requirement for entry to the testing site. It will only be necessary to complete the new form once. You will not have to log-in to the DragonFly portal as it is no longer in use.
After your child’s sample is taken, ProPhase Diagnostics will process it accordingly. From this point forward, YOU WILL ONLY BE CONTACTED IF YOUR CHILD TESTS POSITIVE. If you are NOT contacted, your child’s sample was negative.
Additionally, it will not be necessary to schedule an appointment for testing. Student-athletes will report to Brookside School to be tested during the times listed below. Kindly, arrive within the timeframe your child’s school is scheduled to be tested. If your child arrives prior to the scheduled time or without paperwork, the wait time will increase.
Testing Times By School (Wednesday)
Calhoun – 5-5:45pm
Mepham – 5:50-6:35pm
Kennedy – 6:40-7:25pm
Testing Times By School (Saturday)
Calhoun – 10:45-11:30am
Mepham – 11:35-12:20pm
Kennedy – 12:25-1:10pm
As a reminder, all student-athletes must be tested weekly to participate in “High Risk” sports. Failure to do so, will result in temporarily being removed from their team until testing has been completed.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to work with ATC to provide COVID testing as efficiently and effectively as possible. If you have additional questions regarding the testing process, please contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends. May you and your family remain safe and stay healthy. Thank you.
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
2/8/2021 - Important Update Regarding COVID Testing Recommendations and Athletics
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families:
On Saturday we began mandatory testing for all student-athletes participating in “High Risk” Sports. While we managed to test 371 student-athletes in 2hrs and 10 minutes, after reviewing our testing procedures with ATC Testing and Screening Services, there are some recommendations for our school community that will improve the registration process and testing experience. I have included them below.
Recommendations for testing appointments:
- To decrease your wait time, please arrive no more than 10 minutes prior to your appointment.
- Kindly adhere to social distancing while waiting in line and dress appropriately for the weather.
- Please make sure your child completes their self-screening NERIC app prior to arrival, as well as, entry into the building.
- It is NOT necessary to accompany your child into the building. This helps to decrease the number of people in the building at one time.
When registering your child please remember complete the following steps:
- Click on the DragonFly link.
- Select who is being tested (Myself, Myself and Dependent or Dependent).
- Select an appointment time (Once you select a time, it will continue to the registration page).
- When registration is complete, it will ask you to add a person. Enter your child’s information and complete waiver. (If you have not reached the waiver, you have not secured an appointment time).
- To complete the registration process, click here.
The BMCHSD is conducting surveillance testing. Therefore, ONLY asymptomatic student-athletes are being tested. Anyone who is exhibiting signs and symptoms associated with COVID19, should NOT report to Brookside School for testing. Rather, they should stay home and be seen by their pediatrician ASAP.
Further, if a student receives correspondence stating they have tested positive, they MUST STAY HOME. If a student receives correspondence stating they have tested positive while they are in school, they MUST IMMEDIATELY GO TO THE NURSE where they will be sent home to be seen by a pediatrician.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we provide the opportunity to allow student-athletes to safely resume participation in winter sports. Our primary goal is the health and safety of our school community. If you have additional questions regarding testing or high-risk sports participation, do not hesitate to contact my office or the Athletic Coordinator in the school your child attends. Be safe and stay healthy.
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
2/3/2021 - Athletics Spectator Policy and Transportation Information
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families:
With the condensed season for “high risk” winter sports beginning yesterday, please see the important information below regarding spectators and transportation to and from athletic events.
As per NYS Department of Health guidelines, the BMCHSD will permit two (2) adult spectators per competitor at all HOME contests. Student spectators will NOT be permitted. In addition, as per Section VIII, spectators WILL NOT be permitted at any AWAY contests until further notice.
All spectators who attend a home contest on one of our campuses will be expected to follow all health and safety protocols, including the completion of a COVID self-screening questionnaire and temperature screening prior to entrance. Masks must be worn at all times and social distancing guidelines will be strictly enforced.
After tryouts are completed, coaches will schedule mandatory parent meetings to discuss specific information related to each individual team. Please know that spectator attendance at interscholastic events remains a fluid situation throughout Nassau County and will be closely monitored during the first week of competitions. If changes to our spectator policy are necessary throughout the season, we will provide our families with the appropriate updates.
The BMCHSD will be providing transportation to and from practices (where applicable) and away contests as usual. However, due to the circumstances surrounding COVID19, we encourage (whenever possible) families to transport their own child to and from away contests. The BMCHSD will NOT permit carpooling, nor will it be permissible to transport a child who is NOT a member of your family to an away contest.
There are two waivers linked below. One is for transportation To and FROM an away contest. The second waiver is to be used when the BMCHSD has transported the child to an away contest, but the parent/guardian wishes to provide transportation for their child home from the athletic event. If you plan to transport your child to and/or from any athletic contest, please complete the appropriate waiver and submit it to your child’s coach 24 hours prior to the away contest.
Requests to Change Learning Models
As a reminder, there have been several requests made from families wishing to switch their child’s learning model to remote instruction for the duration of the winter athletic season. While this is certainly not a school mandate, the BMCHSD remains committed to working with individual families to best meet the needs of their child. If you wish to change your child’s learning model, please notify your building principal as soon as possible so that the appropriate adjustments can be made.
Please know that the health and safety of our coaches and student-athletes remains our foremost priority. We appreciate your patience and continued partnership during these unprecedented times. If you have further questions, kindly contact the Athletic Coordinator in the building your child attends. Be safe and stay healthy.
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
2/2/2021 - Important Update Regarding COVID Testing and Athletics - FAQ
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
This email serves as a follow-up to the information relayed earlier regarding the beginning of high-risk winter sports and the need for all prospective athletes to be tested for COVID-19 beginning on Saturday, February 6th, 11am - 1pm. Below are Frequently Asked Questions with regard to ATC and the testing protocols for BMCHSD athletes and coaches.
First, in the email sent yesterday about the need for testing, there was a link to register for a DragonFly account and testing time slot for Saturday, February 6th. Parents must be sure to open the link, complete the sign-up and provide the appropriate account information. All accounts must be completed prior to being tested next Saturday. To complete this process, please click here. If you have difficulty creating an account, kindly contact Kim Mann at 516-992-1048.
Please see below for answers to some commonly asked questions regarding COVID19 testing.
1. Do parents have to be present for testing if they have signed a consent form?
No. The consent form will be completed electronically and student-athletes will present their entrance ticket when they arrive at Brookside School.
2. Can a student present a PCR or rapid test result from an outside medical office?
Yes. Parents can submit test results from their personal healthcare provider to the school nurse in the building their child attends on a weekly basis.
3. If a student has had a positive COVID test in the past, are they required to be tested?
If your child has previously tested positive for COVID, you will be required to provide documentation from an MD indicating that it is safe for your child to participate in sports. Additionally, those who have previously tested positive and are within the 90-day window from the date of the positive test, WILL NOT be required to test weekly. However, if they are beyond the 90-day window, student-athletes must test weekly. All documentation must be submitted to the school nurse in the building your child attends on a weekly basis.
4. How will tests be administered?
Trained medical professionals from ATC Healthcare Testing and Screening Services will be administering a minimally invasive PCR nasal swab test and results will be made available to student-athletes, via a secure online portal, within 48 hours from the date of the test.
5. If my daughter/son is playing a high-risk fall or spring sport in March (Fall Season) or May (Spring Season), should he/she be tested now?
No. Testing for fall and spring sports will take place at that time. This month’s testing will only apply to winter sports athletes in Basketball, Cheerleading, Wrestling and Kickline.
6. Is testing mandatory and will testing occur weekly?
Yes, testing will be required to participate. High-risk BMCHSD winter sports season student-athletes and coaches will be scheduled weekly for testing on either Wednesdays from 5pm to 7pm or Saturdays from 11am to 1pm until the winter season is completed.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we prepare for the opportunity to allow student-athletes to safely resume participation in winter sports this week. If you have additional questions regarding testing or high-risk sports participation, do not hesitate to contact my office or the Athletic Coordinator in the school your child attends.
Eric Caballero
District Director of Athletics, Health,
Physical Education, Driver Education &
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1048
2/1/2021 - Important Update Regarding COVID Testing in High-Risk Sports
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families:
With the approval of high-risk winter sports, the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District is taking extra precautions and conducting weekly COVID testing for coaches and student-athletes involved in each sport that is deemed high-risk as per the New York State Department of Health.
Weekly COVID testing will be performed by a third-party provider, ATC Healthcare Testing and Screening Services, at Brookside starting thisSaturday, February 6thand continue throughout the duration of the winter sports season on Wednesdays (5-7pm) and Saturdays (11am to 1pm). For specific details regarding ATC and COVID19 testing for BMCHSD student-athletes and coaches, please see theFrequently Asked Questions(FAQ) email that will follow this correspondence tomorrow.
To make an appointment for testing, parents must register their child for aDragonFlyPHDaccount. Parental consent forms will be completed during the account registration process and parents will be permitted to select a testing time for February 6th. To complete this process, please clickhere.
NextSaturday, February 6th, students willreport at their designated time to the main entrance at the Brookside School (by the 9/11 monument) and complete the NERIC pre-screening, as well as, health and safety protocols to enter the building. Upon entry, students must proceed to the cafeteria and immediately exit the building once testing is completed.The entire process should take between 10-15 minutes.
It is important to understand that a critical component in resuming high-risk sports as safely as possible and minimizing the potential spread of COVID-19, will be the personal behaviors of student-athletes outside of school. Therefore, I implore you to continue to promote the use of face coverings and social distancing on your personal time. In addition, continue to refrain from large social gatherings, sleepovers and travel outside NYS. Further, carpooling to and from practices and games, gatherings such as pasta parties and team meals will be strictly prohibited.
Last week, several requests were made from families wishing to switch their child’s learning model to remote instruction for the duration of the winter athletic season. While this is certainly not a school mandate, the BMCHSD remains committed to working with individual families to best meet the needs of their child. If you wish to change your child’s learning model, please notify your building principal as soon as possible so that the appropriate adjustments can be made.
Our goal is to provide our student-athletes with a positive winter sports experience while continuing to make the health and safety of our coaches, student-athletes and school community our foremost priority. Your partnership in this endeavor is greatly appreciated. Should you have additional questions regarding testing or high-risk sports participation, do not hesitate to contact my office or the Athletic Coordinator in the school your child attends.
May you and your family remain safe and stay healthy. Thank you.
Eric Caballero
District Director of Athletics, Health,
Physical Education, Driver Education &
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1048
1/29/2021 - Important Update Regarding High Risk Sport Participation
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families:
Now that we have received approval and guidance from our local elected officials, below is a brief explanation of what to expect for participation in “High Risk” High School winter sports and tryouts scheduled for next week.
On Monday, February 1st, our student-athletes will meet with their coaches to begin tryouts for Boys and Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Kickline and Cheerleading. We will not require Rank One Sports clearance prior to tryouts. However, we will require those student-athletes who make a team to complete a new “Sports Candidate Health History” form, as required by NYS, by Friday, February 5th. All winter student-athletes will receive notification and reminders about completing the required “Sports Candidate Health History” form from their coach during the first week of participation.
Since lockers will be unavailable, there will be designated drop off areas for athletic equipment bags at each high school. Student-athletes will be able to drop off their equipment in the morning upon arrival at school and pick it up before practice. However, there will be LIMITED locker room use (for changing purposes ONLY) for those sports who are scheduled for the earliest time slot, which immediately follows the end of the school day (2:30-4pm). All student-athletes scheduled for the later time slots are asked to report to their practices/competitions dressed in the appropriate athletic gear and prepared to participate without the need for locker room usage.
Please know that our primary focus will be to maintain the health and safety of our student-athletes and coaches. All tryouts will be conducted in accordance with guidelines and recommendations made by the NYSDOH and the Nassau County Health Department. Attendance will be taken daily for contact tracing purposes and all student-athletes will be required to show their self-assessment, NERIC app clearance screen on their smartphone device prior to entering all facilities. In addition, temperatures will be checked prior to participation and all guidelines regarding PPE, social distancing and hand sanitizing will be strictly adhered to as we work together to safely resume “High Risk” sports in BMCHSD.
In an effort to avoid loitering and unnecessary gatherings, we ask student-athletes to be mindful when arriving to and departing from practices and competitions. Coaches may utilize designated holding areas and/or ask student-athletes to remain in their vehicles until their scheduled start times for practices and competitions in order to limit close contact and maintain appropriate social distancing.
Lastly, in an effort to resume high risk sports as safely as possible, the Bellmore-Merrick CHSD has recently contracted with third-party health care providers in order to develop a plan which provides weekly on-site COVID19 testing for student-athletes and coaches of high risk sports by trained and certified medical practitioners. The Bellmore-Merrick CHSD feels that testing is a critical step in ensuring the resumption of high risk sports as safely as possible. Testing will be required for high risk sports participation and will begin on Saturday, February 6th, and be offered Wednesday’s from 5-7pm and Saturday’s from 11am-1pm at Brookside School. All paperwork, including appointments, will be done electronically. Further details regarding testing accommodations, requirements and schedules will be disseminated by the end of school business on Monday, February 1st.
Thank you for your continued patience as we attempt to resume “High Risk” sports as safely as possible. Should you have any further questions, please contact the appropriate building-level Athletic Coordinator.
Be safe, stay healthy and good luck to all. Thank you.
Mr. Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
1260 Meadowbrook Road
N. Merrick, NY 11566
1/18/2021 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Remote Tuesday & Wednesday 1/19 & 1/20
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the holiday weekend. As anticipated, this weekend has been incredibly challenging as the number of positive cases in each of the six Bellmore-Merrick schools continues to rise. Even though our school administrators have worked tirelessly and around the clock to follow all protocols and complete the necessary contact tracing investigations, the number of students and staff identified as close contacts and required to quarantine has been overwhelming. In an effort to manage the rest of the post-holiday surge and limit the number of students and staff identified as close contacts across the district, the Bellmore-Merrick administrative team has made the decision to switch to remote instruction for Tuesday, January 19th and Wednesday, January 20th.
All afterschool athletics, intramurals and extracurricular activities for Tuesday and Wednesday are cancelled.
Students will be expected to follow the remote learning schedule below from home:
As always, the health and safety of our students and staff remain our top priority and we will continue to closely monitor positive cases and infection rates with the hope of reopening our schools for in-person learning on Thursday, January 21st. Once again, please know that decisions like this are not made lightly and we appreciate your patience, flexibility and understanding. We remain committed to doing the very best for our kids and families always.
Take care and be well,
John DeTommaso, Superintendent of Schools
12/21/2020 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Remote Tuesday & Wednesday 12/22 & 12/23
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I hope this email finds you well. With the district already having to deal with 5 cases in the last 24 hours, the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District Board of Education and the Central Administration have made the decision to run a remote schedule for both Tuesday, December 22nd and Wednesday, December 23rd (Already scheduled as a pre-set Wednesday). The extra day of remote instruction will hopefully ensure no last minute contact tracing efforts and additional student and staff quarantining prior to the December recess.
In addition, please know that our administrative team will be closely monitoring infection rates and positive cases throughout the December recess. If your child does test positive, please email the building principal as soon as possible so that if contact tracing needs to be done it can be completed in a timely manner. While we have not made a definitive decision regarding the January 4th-8th school week, we will be prepared to move to full or partial remote instruction at any point if we feel the data requires it. As you know our Post-Thanksgiving COVID data was concerning. In the weeks following Thanksgiving we saw over 75 cases, compared with 34 for the entire three months prior. In addition, during those weeks we saw more than 400 individuals quarantined. Multiple cases and large numbers of quarantined students and staff have an effect on the continuity of instruction and the ability to staff our schools. Our goal continues to be to keep our schools open for in-person learning, but to do so in the safest way possible. We will continue to be thoughtful, proactive and communicative as we move safely into mid-January, away from the Holiday gatherings and hopefully back to our full in-person instructional model that has proven to be so successful this year.
The last four months of full in-person instruction have been truly remarkable. I would be remiss if I did not thank our students, staff and parents for making our goal a reality. Let’s continue this incredible partnership as we enter 2021!
Happy Holidays!
Staying Strong Together,
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1001
12/16/2020 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Please see the letter from the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. DeTommaso regarding an update to NYS Micro-cluster Zone Designations and COVID-19 testing requirements for schools. Also included is a link to an important parental survey.
Looking Ahead and Additional Remote Learning Days (December 16th and 23rd) 12/10/2020 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families and Colleagues,
As we approach the December recess, please know how proud we are of the efforts of the Bellmore-Merrick students and staff during the start of the 2020-21 school year. Thoughtful planning and preparation and meticulous implementation allowed us to reopen our schools, transition to full in-person instruction on September 25th and provide our students with meaningful curricular and extracurricular experiences throughout the entire first semester. Whether it is the life in our classrooms, the participation in our intramural athletics, or the performance of our students in concerts and drama productions, we have constantly been reminded of the value of in-person instruction and remain committed to keeping schools open in the safest and healthiest way possible. As we have said numerous times, there is no replacement for in-person learning.
The last two weeks, however, have been incredibly challenging as our school administrators and staff try to manage an increased volume of positive cases throughout our district. The number of cases resulting from out of school gatherings have required our administrative teams to work around the clock to complete the necessary contact tracing so that schools can stay open. While evidence shows that schools have not been the sources of transmission of COVID19, we do realize the disruption caused when large numbers of students and staff have to quarantine as a result of a positive case.
Over the last couple of months, the district has had the opportunity to practice our remote learning instruction and offer professional development on designated “Remote Wednesdays.” In addition, “Remote Wednesdays” have afforded students the opportunity to work with their classmates and teachers on one platform with no masks. As our administrative teams have managed an increased number of positive cases, we have also learned that Remote Wednesdays limit the number of close contacts and quarantines across the district in a given week. Looking ahead to the next couple of weeks, we have made the decision to schedule two additional remote learning days prior to the December recess. Both Wednesday, December 16th and Wednesday, December 23rd will be remote learning days for all students. Students will be expected to follow the remote learning schedule (see below) from home.
The schedule for both the middle schools and high schools will be as follows:
art End
Bellmore-Merrick is only one out of a handful of secondary school districts on Long Island that have successfully returned to full in-person instruction this year and it is our intention to maintain the commitment to high quality instruction with in-person learning and continue to provide our students with extraordinary curricular and extracurricular experiences. However, at the forefront of everything we do is the health and safety of our students and staff and in the months to come, we will continue to make thoughtful decisions as we navigate this challenging school year. Looking forward to the weeks ahead, we will continue to work closely with the Nassau County Health Department to monitor positive cases and infection rates and will make decisions in regards to whether there is a need for additional remote teaching days after the December recess.
Take care and be well,
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
NYS Travel Advisory and Quarantine 11/6/2020 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families:
Recently, Governor Cuomo issued an executive order that revised the NYS Travel Advisory and Quarantine requirements for travelers arriving in NYS effective November 4, 2020. In the upcoming weeks, there will be two significant breaks in our school calendar. Therefore, as we approach the holiday season, more than ever, we strongly encourage you to be cautious in your interactions to minimize the risks associated with the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, for those who may be planning to travel, it will be imperative that you adhere to the new requirements associated with the NYS Travel Advisory. For more information regarding the revised NYS Travel Advisory and Quarantine requirements please click here.
Please know that the health and safety of our school community remains our foremost priority. Further, adhering to the NYSDOH health and safety protocols, as well as, Travel Advisory and Quarantine requirements strengthens the likelihood of the BMCHSD being able to continue to provide full in-person instruction.
We appreciate the partnership and continued support our school community has provided during these challenging times and we look forward to continuing to offer the type of educational opportunities our community has grown accustomed to.
Should you have any further questions, please contact the building your child attends and we will be happy to assist you. May you and your family stay safe and remain healthy. Thank you.
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
Transitioning to a Full In-Person Learning Model 9/16/2020 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I hope this email finds you well. As we approach the end of the second week of classes, to say that I am pleased with the start of our school year would be an understatement. The reality is that I have never been more proud of our students and staff and the ways in which they have navigated the first two weeks, adapted to our new routines and procedures, and abided by the new health and safety protocols. Starting the year in our Hybrid Model allowed us opportunities to implement, execute, practice and make the necessary enhancements and revisions to our plans.
As mentioned last month, there is no substitute for in-person learning and our goal has always been to safely bring all students back to our schools. Over the last two weeks, we have developed an understanding of our new procedures, protocols and routines and how best to maintain the safest and healthiest environment for all who enter our buildings. The district has and will continue to closely monitor the infection rates everyday on Long Island and in the Bellmores and the Merricks. Along with following guidance from Governor Cuomo’s office and the NYSDOH, the district will remain in close contact with the Nassau County Health Department as we move through the school year.
With all of that in mind, the Bellmore-Merrick Board of Education has given approval to move towards our full in-person learning model, and we will once again do so in the smartest and safest way possible. In order to return to full in-person learning, our building administrative teams need a few extra days to adjust class sizes, solidify safety procedures and protocols, put up additional barriers and finalize preparations for welcoming back the entire student body. Students, staff and parents can expect a return to full in-person learning on Friday, September 25th.
Next week, we will follow the hybrid model for Monday (9/21) and Tuesday (9/22) and continue our ongoing evaluation and assessment of our daily routines and procedures. On Wednesday (9/23) and Thursday (9/24), we will stagger in-person learning by grade level so that we can continue practicing and perfecting the navigation of entrances, exits, stairwells and hallways with a decreased population but give students and staff an opportunity to attend classes that have full in person attendance. Understanding how to navigate our classrooms with full attendance will be our final step in preparing for the full in-person return. Please see the schedule below:
Week 3: Transition Week
Monday, 9/21 – Hybrid Group A (A-L) in person and Group B (M-Z) remote
Tuesday, 9/22 – Hybrid Group B (M-Z) in person and Group A (A-L) remote
Wednesday, 9/23 – Grades 7, 9 and 10 attend in person (Grades 8, 11 and 12 remote)
Thursday, 9/24 – Grades 8, 11 and 12 attend in person (Grades 7, 9 and 10 remote)
Friday, 9/25 - Full in-person instruction
***Please note: If at any point, the Board of Education and school district personnel determines that full 5 day in-person instruction is not manageable and/or if cases in the area spike or the infection rates in Nassau County rise, we will return to our Hybrid Model of Learning. The district will take guidance from the Governor’s Office, the NYSDOH and the Nassau County Department of Health.
We know that making the decision to send your child back to in-person learning is an important one and we know that there are families who will not send their children back to full in-person learning. Some of those families however, did send their children to hybrid learning the last two weeks and have grown comfortable with that particular learning model. In an effort to accommodate as many families as possible, the Bellmore-Merrick Board of Education has made the decision to keep hybrid as a learning model option for families. Starting on September 25th, Bellmore-Merrick parents will now have the option to choose any one of our three learning models for the remainder of the school year.
When the district moves to full in-person learning on Friday, 9/25:
- Parents may choose to send their child to full in-person learning five days a week.
- Parents may choose to keep their child in a hybrid learning model keeping in mind that class sizes will be larger as most of the student body will be in attendance. Students enrolled in the hybrid model would follow the same schedule determined by alphabet (2 in-person days and 3 remote days following normal bell schedule).
- Parents may choose the alternate virtual learning model and students will attend all classes remotely five days a week.
All students who did not initially select the full alternate virtual learning model will be scheduled for full in-person instruction. If you wish to change your child’s learning model or select the hybrid learning model, please contact the building principal to make your request by Monday, 9/21. If you would like to keep your child in the learning model selected prior to the school year, no further action is required. Please understand that students who are participating in the alternate virtual or hybrid learning models may not move into full in-person until the start of the second quarter.
Once again, thank you for your patience, understanding and collaboration. We truly look forward to the return to full in-person learning on Friday, September 25th.
Take care and be well,
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1001
Reporting COVID-19 Cases Update 9/11/2020 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family well and safe. As the first week of classes comes to a close, I want to tell you how proud I am of the students and staff in regards to the reopening of the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District. The life that returned to our schools as students and staff entered our doors on Tuesday was a reminder of why all of us who work in the CHSD, chose this profession. All six of our schools got off to a wonderful start and we worked diligently every day to improve in our practices, routines and procedures. In addition to the new safety protocols and the ways in which we now enter, navigate and exit our hallways, stairwells and classrooms, we also successfully followed the appropriate steps and guidelines in dealing with a positive COVID-19 case. We know that this will certainly not be the last time the BMCHSD has to manage a positive case so this email is to reiterate information regarding possible communications if a positive case of COVID-19 is reported in the District. Please know that communications will only be sent in the event that there is a confirmed case of COVID-19.
Our schools may receive a report of a staff member or student with COVID-19 in two ways:
1: The school is notified by the Nassau County Department of Health (“confirmed case”)
2: The school is notified by a staff member or by the parent on behalf of their child (“self-report”). Please note that before any actions take place, a “self-report” must be confirmed by the Nassau County Department of Health. (Please note that the BMCHSD will not respond to anonymous calls, emails and/or hearsay of potential cases of COVID-19. We will follow the guidance from the New York State Department of Health and the Nassau County Health Department and follow all protocols and regulations for “confirmed” and “self-reported” cases.)
In either case, once a positive COVID-19 case in the schools is confirmed, the following guidance from the Governor’s NYS Department of Health and the Nassau County Department of Health must be followed:
Anyone who has had close contact (within six feet for more than 10 minutes) must quarantine for 14 days from their last contact with the diagnosed person. If a student or a staff in the same classroom is diagnosed with COVID-19, the entire class may not be considered close contacts. Only those students or staff members who are within six feet for more than 10 minutes and identified by Nassau County Health Department as close contacts will be required to quarantine.
In addition, if the bus driver or a student on a particular bus route is diagnosed with COVID-19, the entire bus may not be considered close contacts. Only those students or staff members who are within six feet for more than 10 minutes and identified by Nassau County Health Department as close contacts will be required to quarantine.
Those identified as close contacts and the number of days to be quarantined will always be determined in consultation with the Nassau County Department of Health. The school will cooperate with the Nassau County Department of Health’s contact tracing efforts. Contact tracing will include determining the people with whom the positive diagnosed person has been in close contact from 48 hours before symptoms began until the present.
The following are sample communications that will be sent out in the case we are notified of a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 in a staff member or student. Please note, there may be occasions when staff members and/or students are asked to quarantine by the DOH if they are a close contact (not a diagnosed case) of someone outside of our school community who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. In these instances, communications will not be sent concerning that individual’s need to quarantine.
This is to inform you that there has been a diagnosed case of COVID-19 in your child’s class. As a result, your child may not come to school, and per the Governor’s NYS Department of Health and the Nassau County Department of Health guidance, your child must quarantine until xx/xx. If any symptoms of COVID-19 occur, please see your child’s physician. Further information regarding remote instruction will follow.
School bus:
This is to inform you that there has been a diagnosed case of COVD-19 on your child’s school bus. As a result, your child may not come to school, and per the Governor’s NYS Department of Health and the Nassau County Department of Health guidance, your child must quarantine until xx/xx. If any symptoms of COVID-19 occur, please see your child’s physician. Further information regarding remote instruction will follow.
Related Services, Counseling Groups, Extra-Curricular Activities:
This is to inform you that there has been a diagnosed case of COVID-19 in a related service/counseling pull-out group/extra-curricular activity that your child attended. As a result, your child may not come to school, and per the Governor’s NYS Department of Health and the Nassau County Department of Health guidance, your child must quarantine until xx/xx. If any symptoms of COVID-19 occur, please see your child’s physician. Further information regarding remote instruction will follow.
We have been preparing for the reopening of schools for months, and by working together and following all recommended guidance, we are certain to have a successful school year. Thank you for your continuous support, collaboration and cooperation!
Staying Strong Together.
Be well,
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1001
Board of Education Letter to Governor Cuomo regarding the Fall High School Athletic Season - 9/9/2020
Please read the letter the Bellmore-Merrick CHSD Board of Education sent to Governor Cuomo, NYSPHAA and Section VIII regarding the Fall High School Athletic Season.
Please click here to view the letter
Interscholastic Athletics Update 8/27/20 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families:
Yesterday, a decision was rendered by Section VIII to delay the start of interscholastic athletics until January of 2021. The official announcement, in part, was as follows:
“…Please be advised that based on an abundance of caution, Section VIII has decided to delay the start of all fall sports and plan for the model of running three sports seasons starting in January; Winter sports, January and February, Fall sports March and April, Spring sports May and June.”
We have received many questions regarding the process by which this decision was made. As stated in previous correspondence, the Section VIII Executive Director met with the Executive Director of NYSPHSAA on Tuesday and earlier yesterday, the Executive Director of Section VIII called a meeting with the Superintendents who serve on the Section VIII Executive Board. The result of the Section VIII Executive Board meeting was a unanimous decision to delay the start of fall sports until January of 2021.
The weight of a decision of this magnitude is no doubt difficult. Balancing the health and safety of faculty, students and staff, while also taking into account the benefits of interscholastic athletics is no easy task. That being said, we have received many emails asking if we voted in favor of the decision. In response, no individual in the BMCHSD serves on the committee that made this decision and therefore, we did not have a vote.
In Bellmore-Merrick, we pride ourselves on creating opportunities for all students to participate in extracurricular activities whether it be in athletics, music or the arts. If the decision of the Section VIII Executive Board stands, Bellmore-Merrick will do all it can for its student-athletes. Please know that we have already begun discussions internally on how we as a district can provide meaningful athletic experiences for our students after the successful reopening of schools is completed. This will be a herculean task given the inconsistencies in the state’s guidelines and mandates that currently exist, in addition to, much of what is being communicated regarding schools out of the Governor’s office. However, we assure you that members of our Board of Education, Central and Building level administrative teams and our coaching staff are committed to providing the types of experiences our students have grown accustomed to as soon as conceivably possible.
As we approach the start of the new school year and become acclimated with our new “normal”, we remain steadfast in our approach in creatively making these opportunities a reality. Information will be forthcoming. Until then, may you and your family be safe and remain healthy.
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
Eric Caballero
Director of Physical Education, Athletics,
Drivers Education & Health
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
BMCHSD Reopening Update 8/24/20 - Alternate Virtual Learning Model 2020-21
Please click here to view the update
BMCHSD Reopening Update 8/10/20 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I hope this email finds you well. As you know by now, Governor Cuomo has decided that schools across NYS can reopen to in-person learning starting in September. Certainly, the decision is not surprising given the extremely low infection rates on Long Island. The Governor also made it clear that local school districts will decide the model used to reopen schools.
Toward that end, the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District has been working tirelessly to solidify its reopening plan. Reopening committees made up of all the various constituent groups in the district have been incredible in their efforts to help reopen our schools in the safest and smartest way possible. Governor Cuomo has made it abundantly clear that the decision to reopen schools rests with the wants and needs of parents in the community and in the ability of the school district to reopen safely for students and staff. In order to further inform our decision in that regard, the recent survey sent home to district parents about the preferred method of instruction (Full In-Person, Hybrid, Remote) netted nearly 4600 responses out of a possible 5200. 81% of those respondents preferred a full in-person opening. And an additional 9% of respondents would prefer to send their children to school in a hybrid model. Also, leadership from our various unions have been actively involved in our reopening plans and their wants and needs are being taken into account as well. The Governor also stated that school district reopening plans require NYSED approval prior to implementation and all three BMCHSD plans have been approved.
With the reality that there is no substitute for In-Person learning, the Bellmore-Merrick CHSD submitted plans to NYSED with the hope of bringing all students back full time. With Governor Cuomo’s decision, the district now has the approval to move towards that goal, but BMCHSD has made the thoughtful decision to do so in the safest and smartest way possible for students, parents and staff. Nothing we do is more important than that and our ability to create the safest, healthiest environment for all who enter our buildings is paramount in our reopening decisions.
Therefore, with this and more in mind, below is the initial BMCHSD Plan for reopening schools on September 8, 2020:
*All district schools will reopen on September 8th utilizing a variation of the district’s approved Hybrid Model. Even though our goal is to transition to a full 5 day in-person learning model, we will use our hybrid plan to decrease the number of students in school during the opening days and observe, monitor and adjust our new procedures, protocols, and routines that students and staff will be navigating for the first time. We know that adjusting to this new world in the educational setting will take time and it will be critical for school district personnel to assess and evaluate our procedures, protocols and routines with less students before making the transition to full in-person learning for all. It will also be critical for parents to reinforce with their children the importance of abiding by these new health and safety procedures that will be sent to you over the next days and weeks from your school principals.
***Please note: If school district personnel determines that a transition to full 5 day in-person instruction is not warranted or possible given that building conditions will not allow for everyone to follow proper social distancing guidelines and safety protocols, we will remain in a Hybrid Model of Learning.
Our hope is that utilizing our Hybrid plan for nine days gives students and staff an opportunity to practice and perfect new routines, procedures and protocols so that we can return to Full In-Person learning on September 21th. Please know that our principals will be communicating with you on a daily basis during those first two weeks updating you on our progress and whether our protocols and procedures are being strictly followed by everyone.
Below are the plans for the first two weeks of school as they stand now. These plans could change depending on a number of factors both within and outside of the school district and thus are NOT set in stone.
Week 1: September 8th - September 11th:
A to L Tuesday, 9/8 and Thursday, 9/10
M to Z Wednesday, 9/9 and Friday 9/11
Week 2: September 14th - September 18th:
A to L Monday, 9/14 and Thursday, 9/17
M to Z Tuesday, 9/15 and Friday, 9/18
On Wednesday, 9/16, students will attend live classes remotely from home as per the hybrid plan schedule. This will give students and staff the opportunity to familiarize themselves with full class, live remote lessons which may be necessary in the future. The administrative team will meet on this day to discuss our plans to either move forward with full in-person or to remain in the hybrid model. Parents will be notified of that decision on or before September 16th.
Week 3:
Potential Full in-person instruction – September 21st.
According to our survey, 9% of our parents were comfortable sending their children to a hybrid model and not comfortable sending their children to a Full In-Person model. If BMCHSD decides to transition to a Full in-Person model, parents can opt for the Alternative Remote option at that time.
As a reminder, parents who choose not to send their children back to in-person schooling in September will be scheduled for our alternative remote learning option and specific details regarding our plan will be communicated soon. In addition, building principals will be scheduling virtual meetings with parents soon to discuss our plans in further detail. During the next few weeks, communication will be frequent and ongoing and as always, make the health and safety of our school community as our top priority.
Once again, thank you for your patience, understanding and collaboration as we look forward to the start of the 2020-21 school year.
Take care and be well,
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
BMCHSD Reopening Update 8/10/20 - FAQ Document
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
Please click here to find a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document which provides responses to commonly asked questions regarding our reopening plan. As you know the window for submitting questions extends through Wednesday, August 12th. We will continue to update our FAQ document over the next couple of weeks as more questions are submitted and the finalized document will be posted on the Bellmore-Merrick website.
Take care and be well,
Mike Harrington
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
Assistant Superintendent
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
(516) 992-1040
BMCHSD Reopening Update 8/7/20 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
This afternoon Governor Cuomo announced that NYS schools are allowed to reopen. Consistent with prior guidance, plans must be posted on the District website. As stated in our Reopening Plan on Page 36, Bellmore-Merrick’s intention is to open in person unless the metrics change, and the Governor directs us otherwise.
Information about an Alternate Virtual Remote Model will be forthcoming for those parents who choose not to send their child back to school in person. After giving the parents an opportunity to review the details of our Alternate Virtual Remote Plan and ask questions through either our FAQ document or one of our parent forums (which will be scheduled in the upcoming weeks), the district will ask for a final commitment to one of the two learning models.
As an integral part of the reopening process, communication with the school community was initiated for feedback. One of our initiatives that we have put forward in seeking community feedback was to gather data from a survey regarding the varied learning models and parental preference. We also sent an open invitation this week to submit questions to be included in our FAQ document. As a reminder, questions may still be submitted to through Wednesday, 8/12. The completed FAQ document will be posted on our website at .
Once again, we thank you for your active participation as we prepare for the start of the new year.
Be well,
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1001
Bellmore-Merrick's Comprehensive Plan for Reopening Schools 7/31/20 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I hope this email finds you safe, well and enjoying the summer. As we enter the month of August, I am overcome with gratitude for the work that has been done the last two months as we prepare for the reopening of schools in September. This morning, the BMCHSD submitted our finalized plans to the NYS Department of Education and the NYS Department of Health. Although all NYS school district plans were due today, please note that Governor Cuomo has communicated that the final decision regarding the reopening of schools will be made by August 7th.
The Bellmore-Merrick CHSD Reopening Committee and sub-committees made up of central office and building administrators, teachers, custodians, clerical and parents have worked diligently and collaboratively throughout the entire summer to make sure that Bellmore-Merrick is prepared to begin the school year in the healthiest and safest way possible. I would be remiss if I did not say how thankful I am to all committee members who gave up sacred summer time with their families and friends to actively participate in our reopening planning. They have spent many hours reviewing and discussing the guidance documents and developing our Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 school year. In accordance with this guidance, the District has developed three options/models:
- In-Person Learning
- Hybrid Learning (a combination of In-Person and Remote Learning)
- Remote Learning
The BMCHSD Reopening Plans can be found on our website and may be accessed by clicking here
It is important to understand that this is a “living” document that will undergo changes, revisions and updates as we move closer to the start of school and as more guidance from the various agencies (Governor’s Office, NYSED, NYDOH) we rely on becomes available. I understand that you may have additional questions: please know that we will be reaching out early next week and will be in close communication to share plans for building procedures, transportation, technology, and health screening, among others.
On Monday, you will receive another email containing the link to an important parent survey addressing the preferred learning model and transportation. We are going to ask families to complete the survey by Friday, August 7th.
As we all deal with this new world that has become part of all aspects of our daily lives, now more than ever we need to work together, to stay strong together in ways that benefit everyone who lives and works in Bellmore-Merrick. We can and will continue to do many wonderful things for kids and families each and every day regardless of how those days will look. As always, the health and safety of our students and staff remain paramount in all of our reopening decisions. Thank you in advance for your continued cooperation and support.
Staying strong together,
Be well,
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
(516) 992-1001
Coronavirus Update 7/24/20 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso Regarding Reopening Schools 2020-21
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I hope this email finds you and your families safe and well. The Bellmore-Merrick School Districts are continually working together, and meeting with our individual district committees reviewing the requirements from the State Education Department to develop plans for reopening schools in September. In addition to the guidance previously released, as late as this week the New York State Education Department sent new and updated information which changed previous guidance. We want to assure you that we continue to work together as a Bellmore-Merrick community to develop plans that focus on the health, safety, and educational success of all students.
On July 31, each district, as required, will submit a framework reopening plan to the New York State Education Portal. A copy of the submitted plan will be available on our respective district websites for the community to review. As August begins, the district and the reopening task force teams will continue planning the details relative to each of the educational models submitted to the state. We anticipate receiving more specific guidance in the next several days, and therefore we will be sending out information and surveys to assist with our planning.
This is a challenging time for all of us, and we want to sincerely thank you for your continued commitment and support.
Staying strong together,
John DeTommaso, Superintendent of Schools, Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
Dr. Joseph S. Famularo, Superintendent of Schools, Bellmore UFSD
Marie Testa, Superintendent of Schools, North Bellmore UFSD
Dr. Dominick Palma, Superintendent of Schools, Merrick UFSD
Dr. Cynthia Seniuk, Superintendent of Schools, North Merrick UFSD
Coronavirus Update 7/17/20 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso Regarding Reopening Schools 2020-21
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I hope this email finds you and your families safe and well as we move through the summer season. As you may have heard or read, the New York State Education Department released a guidance document yesterday entitled, “Recovering, Rebuilding, and Renewing: The Spirit of New York’s Schools,” with guidelines for all New York State school districts for reopening schools in September. Although this guidance document presents some very complex and challenging mandates for school districts to safely reopen schools in September, please rest assured that the Bellmore-Merrick, Bellmore, North Bellmore, Merrick, and North Merrick school districts are working together to provide the best and safest educational experience for all our students and their families.
We are fortunate in the Bellmore-Merrick community to be part of an educational component system that collaborates and works in unison for the betterment of all children. As superintendents with a shared and vested interest in the greater Bellmore-Merrick community, we are developing plans that focus on the health, safety, and educational success of all our students. These plans will be similar in nature, while at the same time recognizing the special circumstances of each district and school community.
All of the component districts formed Reopening/Task Force committees to provide a forum for our stakeholders to discuss and formulate plans essential to the reopening of schools. Their mission, as set forth by Governor Cuomo and the NYS Education Department, is to develop and submit three distinct reopening plans by July 31, 2020:
1. Remote/Distance Learning
2. Hybrid Model of Learning (a combination of Remote Learning and In-Person Learning)
3. In-Person Learning (a regular opening with certain health and safety restrictions)
Our reopening committees consisting of various stakeholders such as parents, teachers, paras, clericals, nurses, custodians, board members, and administrators have been working extremely hard to create plans that will meet the academic, social and emotional needs of all students in the safest way possible. The safety of students and staff has and will continue to be our top priority as we navigate through the various guidance documents from the New York State Education Department, New York State Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control.
Lastly, Governor Cuomo stated, “During the first week of August, the State will announce a decision on whether or not schools reopen, and we want to make that decision with the best available data because facts change here day to day and week to week.” Over the next couple of weeks, the five districts will continue to communicate and send updates regarding the details of our plans for reopening schools in our communities.
On behalf of the Boards of Education in the Bellmores and the Merricks, thank you so much for your continued commitment to our districts through these most difficult times. We are proud and honored every day to serve the Bellmore-Merrick community and will continue to do our best as we eagerly await seeing all our kids and families in September.
Staying strong together,
John DeTommaso, Superintendent of Schools Bellmore-Merrick CHSD
Dr. Joseph S. Famularo, Superintendent of Schools Bellmore UFSD
Marie Testa, Superintendent of Schools North Bellmore UFSD
Dr. Dominick Palma, Superintendent of Schools Merrick UFSD
Dr. Cynthia Seniuk, Superintendent of Schools, North Merrick UFSD
Coronavirus Update 6/26/20 - Update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso Regarding Reopening Schools 2020-21
Click here to view the update from Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Coronavirus Update 6/4/20 - Message from the BMCHSD Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John DeTommaso
Please click here to view the message
Coronavirus Update 6/3/20 - June 2 Board of Education Meeting Video
Please click here to access the June 2 Board of Education Meeting Video
Coronavirus Update 6/1/20 -Board of Education Announcement
The Board of Education announces a virtual meeting for Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. The meeting will be taking place via videoconference with no in-person attendance.
Please click here for the full agenda.
The 6/2/20 Board of Education meeting will be streamed via Zoom Webinar.
Please see the details below:
When: June 2, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: 8:00pm BMCHSD Board of Education Meeting - Tuesday, June 2
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Password: 093860
Coronavirus Update 5/27/20 -Academic Summer Refresher Courses
Click here to view the update from Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, Michael Harrington
Coronavirus Update 5/15/20 -2019-20 School Year Update
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families and Staff,
As per Governor Cuomo’s most recent Executive Order on May 8, 2020, the Bellmore-Merrick Distance Learning Plan will remain in effect until Friday, June 12th. District administration and faculty will utilize Monday, June 15th, Tuesday, June 16th and Wednesday, June 17th to finalize grade reporting and process 4th Quarter Report Cards. NYSED’s decision to cancel Regents Exams, the district’s decision to cancel all final exams, and the decision to continue Distance Learning during the Spring Recess were all determining factors when making the decision to end the school year on Wednesday, June 17th (Please note that May 22nd and May 26th, which were originally designated as snow make-up days, will now be instructional days with scheduled distance learning). The Central High School District also worked in coordination and collaboration with the four component elementary school districts when making the final determination of the last school day. Please know that the Bellmore-Merrick School Counseling and PPS teams, as well as the Central Office and Building Administrative teams, will remain available to assist students and families throughout the summer months.
As we move towards the completion of the 2019-20 academic school year, Bellmore-Merrick Administrative and Faculty teams have also been identifying skills, concepts, and content that are essential to future success, and will be offering a series of Academic Refresher Courses by subject area and grade level for students to access prior to the start of the 2020-21 school year. More details to follow.
Decisions about year-end celebrations like Middle School Moving Up Ceremonies and High School Graduations are still being discussed, and further clarification from the Governor’s office will be needed before we finalize our plans. Please know that we will do whatever is needed to provide our students and families with these memorable events that recognize our students’ achievements. We are hoping to conclude those discussions and finalize our plans as soon as possible.
Be well and stay safe,
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
Coronavirus Update 5/1/20 -Extended School Closure Update
Dear Bellmore-Merrick Families,
I hope this email finds you all safe and well. I am writing to you this afternoon to let you know that Governor Cuomo has just announced that schools will remain closed for the rest of the 2019-20 academic school year. We are expecting further information from the Governor’s Office as to the specific details. As soon as that information becomes available, we will communicate that with you.
As difficult as this is to comprehend and write, it was certainly not unexpected. Although significant progress has been made to stop the spread, it is hard to argue this decision as COVID-19 continues to bring daily heartache and fear to our friends and neighbors. I am more than aware that the loss of life and tragic circumstances faced by many we know makes the closing of school, in reality, less devastating. However, I cannot help feeling a tremendous sense of loss for our Bellmore-Merrick family…our students, parents and staff, with this last decision to close school. The finality of it is hard to handle for all of us, but especially for our kids. Let us be certain to keep them in the forefront of our thoughts as they try to deal with something that very few people on this planet have ever experienced.
While we are truly heartbroken for the members of the Class of 2020, know that the Bellmore-Merrick Administrative Team has been working tirelessly to find ways to celebrate our seniors and preserve as many end-of-year events as possible. The team has also been working on culminating events for our middle school students as well. Even though these events will look very different this year, we are fully committed to finding creative ways to celebrate and honor the accomplishments of this extraordinary group of seniors. In the weeks to come, guidance from the Governor Cuomo, the CDC and the NYS Health Department will allow us to finalize plans in regards to our end-of-year events. As soon as decisions are made, we will communicate our finalized plans.
Please know that our hearts and thoughts go out to all of our students, especially our seniors and their families during this most difficult time, and we look forward to recognizing their incredible accomplishments to the Bellmore-Merrick community and celebrating their high school graduation.
Be well and stay safe,
John DeTommaso
Superintendent of Schools
Coronavirus Update 4/29/20 - Updates on Distance Learning Plan and 4th Quarter
Dear Parents/Guardians:
When we first received word that schools were closing on March 16th, none of us could have imagined how long and challenging this spring would be. During the course of the last two months, the Bellmore-Merrick administrators and faculty have worked diligently to enhance, improve and refine our distance learning plan, and offer an experience that is fair, consistent, and manageable. I am writing to provide you with an update in regards to the most recent changes relating to the Bellmore-Merrick Distance Learning Plan and the 4th Quarter.
Distance Learning Plan
While distance learning is not equivalent to an “in-person” education, the implementation of a departmental schedule on April 1st has provided structure and consistency to our plan. Entering the month of May, and awaiting further guidance from Governor Cuomo, now more than ever, our students need more opportunities to interact and connect with their teachers and classmates. While pre-recorded and live instructional platforms have become the norm for most of our teachers, as of Monday, May 4th, we will be providing more instruction that allows for greater teacher-student interaction. Students can expect to see more pre-recorded videos and/or may be asked to participate in live video or audio mini-lessons through applications like Zoom or Google Meets. In addition, teachers will be available during extra help time blocks via live platforms such as Zoomor Google Meets to answer questions and give additional support. The academic focus for the remainder of the school closure will be on skill development, completion of units of study, and preparing students for future learning. With decisions made in regards to the cancellation of NYS Regents and BMCHSD final exams, teachers now have the ability to dig deeper into the curriculum and engage students in additional learning experiences.
4th Quarter Grades
Teachers will continue to utilize their current grading practices to provide feedback and monitor student progress on assignments, effort, and online participation. All distance learning will be converted to a Pass/Fail grade for the 4th Quarter Report Card. Note that the decision to utilize a Pass/Fail quarter grade is in effect assuming that distance learning will continue past May 15th.
Please note if your child is enrolled in a Dual Enrollment Course for College Credit, BMCHSD teachers are required to submit numerical and/or letter grades to the participating college at the end of the semester. Therefore, dual enrollment course teachers will continue to use numerical grades throughout the 4th quarter so that they can clearly demonstrate student understanding and successful completion of the unit of study.
Attendance and Active Participation
There still remains the expectation that students are participating, attending, and meeting the requirements of their teachers. As always, BMCHSD teachers are committed to providing opportunities for student success and growth. Now more than ever, it is important for students to take advantage of connecting with their teachers and classmates. We ask that you speak to your children about the importance of staying engaged with their teachers and working hard to complete their units of study and develop the necessary skills so they are best prepared for future learning.
Thank you for your never-ending support, patience, and understanding as we continue to work together through these incredibly challenging times. Our district and building level administrative teams, along with our school counseling and PPS staffs remain available if you have any questions or concerns. Once again, thank you for your active participation and cooperation.
Take care and be well,
John DeTommaso - Superintendent of Schools
Mike Harrington - Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum
Coronavirus Update 4/22/20 - Concerts and Musicals Update
Dear Bellmore-Merrick families,
I hope this email finds you and your family healthy & navigating as best as possible during this uncertain time.